If pandaren came out in 2024 as a new allied race

  1. We would not have The Wandering Isle as a starting zone (I made a mistake with the timeless isle whoops)

  2. They could only be monk! No other race could be monks since that would mean work in making the animations that are unique to monks only.

  3. They would have to model gear on them, Which means Pandaren would not be able to wear most gear because instead of changing gear they would skip it.

  4. They would not have the model they do now, as that is more work so they would mostly have the body of tuskar from wrath and changed just enough to fit.

Please put more work into new races and classes going forword.


Not all your points are that clear but yes I generally agree. People actively defending us getting less (and paying more) boggles my mind.


Uh? How is Timeless Isle a starting zone?

Monk was never a Hero class. So this doesn’t track.

This doesn’t make any sense.

Also doesn’t make any sense. KT got a brand new rig. Dracthyr rig is the Incubus rig, which was basically a test run for Dracthyr.

I think you should have left out everything else and just stuck with this only.

Maybe Pandaria.

They could be all classes except death knights and warlocks.

Pandaren only ones can be a monks.

We need clothes.

That’ll be weird, but Blizzard would certainly take this short cut like they have with the AR’s.



Paying more? The expansion cost didn’t go up. Or do you just mean paying for an expansion in general?

Harsh but kinda true :frowning:

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Agreed. Do it right or just dont bother.

Less work and faster “content” is the priority. See season 4.

If anything, the price of wow has gone down when you adjust for inflation.

We were paying almost $25 of 2023 money for the game back in 2004.

Funny enough, this possible timeline would give us playable hozen and jinyu. :dracthyr_comfy_bronze:

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I do not care how much work someone at Blizz had to do to make this or that race. Kul Tiran human males apparently required the most work, and supposedly mechagnomes were someone’s passion project, and they’re both abominations.

All of the hot allied races (void elves, zandalari trolls, highmountain tauren) were just made with existing assets and idc

proof some passions should stay hidden.


While clunky, I think this thread is (rightfully) criticizing the notion that the Dracthyr are acceptable from any real standpoint which honestly, they’re not, and that we shouldn’t happily accept anything like them again. The Dracthyr feel unfinished and one-note, and the work to allow them proper class and mog options still needs to be done at some point in the future, so Blizzard hasn’t saved themselves any net effort, they just kicked the can down the road a bit.

That said, I do approve of some aspects to the Dracthyr; I love that they have an androgynous figure (but could do with more BTs to have wider shoulders/hips/busts and possible D&D Dragonborn-esque ‘hairstyles’), that you can essentially ‘choose’ your underwear (including none, all furred and scaled races shouldn’t be compelled to wear underwear, Pandaren didn’t have to in the MoP Beta, they just got the Barbie Doll treatment).

It’s a clunky post, but the heart’s in the right place and I agree, the effort that produced the Dracthyr is unacceptable. If you’re going to make a new race, actually make a new race and don’t cut corners.

Don’t forget the hundreds of topics about how these pandas are Disnefying WoW. :roll_eyes:


and soon we’ll explore another Mimiron made race. :memo::robot:

We’ve been getting this content since around bfa, if we have to wait a extra xpack without a new race or class to have them actually functional when they come in so be it.

If they can’t make armor work on something they need to not bother or wait until they can.

They’d probably still teach me all their monk secrets and never suspect I think they’re silly.