If on X-mas

Neither. It would just sit out there, not being used. So if you add it as an option after all this silly arguing, I’d sell it :wink:

I’d test it’s capabilities on the way to the dealership, far more important uses for that money.

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i would name the car the jacklogangers

id sell that thingy for str8 up monies.

Santa needs to gift some dictionaries :crazy_face:

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found andrew tate’s alt

Sell it, then travel. I don’t care about cars.

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cant be he hasnt told us about the real world university yet.

Sell it in a heartbeat. Cars only ever go down in value, so you’re better off with a cheap car and an expensive house.

Get a house you can barely afford, and a car you can afford to lose.

Sell it, couldn’t afford the insurance.

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Except it implicitly is one of the choices by virtue of having it. If I have a thing, I can sell that thing. With very few exceptions (thanks, daddy gubment!).

I’d happily enjoy the hell out of it. I live near where Tanner Foust tried to top out a Veyron on Top Gear USA, so plenty of open road. The Veyron and Chiron are such unique and special cars. I can’t imagine turning down the chance to have fun with one free of charge as there really isn’t anything else like it. The funny thing is you can toodle around like it’s a Volkswagen Golf or really hammer it when you’ve got the chance.

This made me laugh due to a viral video, from years ago, of a Bugatti Veyron driving into a lake. Witness in the video thought it was a Lambo. Turned out it was insurance fraud. lol

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In a hypothetical world where I drove (and didn’t have to pay the larcenous rates they charge for parking in my area) I’d keep it to the limit. Firstly, because I think they should enforce speed limits with those explosive racing drones they use to blow up tanks, but also secondly because if I blur straight past you in my stupidly expensive car you’ll just go “whuh?” but if I’m going slower everyone can bask in my magnificence for longer.

If I was wealthy I would have it refitted to look like a Rayfield Caliburn from cyberpunk 2077.

But since I am not, I would sell it immediately because I know me and I don’t want to die 10 minutes after hitting the gas.

It would never move, it would be sold immediately. Then I would buy a house, invest a large portion, and retire early.

I’d be furious.
Now I have to pay insurance and tax on this absurdly expensive vehicle.
Alternatively I could sell it but “Santa gave it to me!” probably wont fly with the Police and they’d absolutely arrest me for GTA.

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Assuming that I wouldn’t be stuck with the gift taxes on it…

I would obey the speed limit…

…to the place I would take it to sell.

I’d obey the speed limit as I drove it to a dealership to sell.

I “test” the capabilities of my Nissan, buddy, I would be a criminal in a Bugatti

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I would sell it, and first thing I’d buy is a real good macaroni and cheese pizza. Like the ones Cici’s used to make before they downside and went cheap.