If MM aren't ignored, why were SV players? Least played spec in the game, needs to be reverted

Just what the topic says: SV is one of the, if not THE, least played spec in the game. There was a massive outcry then too, except we were ignored.

Can the current SV spec, for all 5 people who play it, be kept as a 4th spec and we actually get old SV back, which was extremely popular and useful and fun?

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Dps monks exist… I know its easy to forget

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SV isn’t super popular, but it’s far from the least popular spec.

The following specs have less representation than SV in both M+ and raiding.


Psssht, what are you doing bringing statistics to an argument on the forums. Don’t you internet?!

My outcry was, “Please don’t do this! Make BM the melee spec instead! It’s so obvious!”

I too was ignored.