If Men Are Supposedly Stronger Than Women

I wear plate, not a damn bikini!



Why wear a plate bikini when you could wear underwear and bones? I’m safe behind this big shield anyways.

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Girls bleed every month. They fear nothing

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One nice Paladin Belf told me the secret. But I won’t say.

As I remember Conan, one of the most famous fantasy characters just wore a loincloth.


Is it weird I remember Grace Jones in the conan movies more than Arnold? She was cool in the one movie she was in

It’s true! Though it’s also not all he wore. He’s been depicted in armor, or furs, and things in-between in many stories too. I have an omnibus(?) of Conan stories :slight_smile:

Also I recall He-Man transformed into having less clothes.

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snickers He Man was so gay I loved it


I think a bigger question is if your name is an NCIS reference, and if it is, why would you name yourself after Gibbs (who was an amazing sniper, and stoic individual who also managed to be a pretty amazing father figure) instead of Ziva, who was the actual female assassin and one of the most terrifying people on the show.

Is that a test of toughness or intelligence? Because why keep your hand in ice cold water longer then you need to?

Nobody has ever had an issue with these mogs. In the past 15 years of this games lifetime.

Nobody has ever had an issue with these mogs. TERA past nine years.

Nobody has ever had an issue with these mogs. FF14 Past 10 years.

So if anyone were to complain now it would not be sincere of legitimate. It would actually just be to cause controversy.

WoW does not make very many of these mogs anymore. Not as many as they should anyways… also I would love more dress mogs. All types of dresses, cut outs, short dresses, dresses with long trains, slits. You name it. Compared to their competition they are really falling behind…

Trying out TERA a bit I seen other similarities to the new expansion coming out with WoW. Like the loading wormhole screen. The brokers in the main cities. There was other things but I can’t recall now.

Hey WoW if you want to try so hard to compete with your competitors. By blatantly stealing ideas from other games. Shadowbringer, wormhole transportation… why not do it where it actually counts and give me better mogs please. :slight_smile:

Also I am tired of plate getting favoritism in video games. They know the statistics, they know what classes a majority of female gamers play. Not all, but majority. Stop showing favoritism towards plate please and promoting us to play those classes.

We will play what we want to play and wear whatever the hell we want to wear while doing it.
^^^^ Real empowerment.

So Blizzard give us more choices please.




I wish that had any correlation, but 5/7 i laughed

I too think I could rock a mankini. I also accept that bakini wearing folks are superior as they have the toughness to take a hit, burn, or disease.

On another note, prepare of the haymaker.

lmao ;)- funny

well…men have to have SOMETHING to look at, because a female warrior…all but useless other than that thong. oh and her cooking skills

You lost me at “supposedly stronger”