If leagues exsited in pvp

What would you want the bands to be?

IMO it would be something like this (inverse percentiles).

Grandmaster: 1%
Master: 5%
Diamond: 20%
Platinum: 40%
Gold: 60%
Silver: 80%
Gold: 100%

I take it the game is going in this direction.

We’ve had something like this since BFA, though.

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Eh, still rating based instead of %. I think % would be healthier for the game at this point because the milestones like 1800/2100/2400 at the start of the season are way different than at the middle and the end. What does “I’m 2k whatever xp” even mean when it just varies so much?


It is, though I think they can keep the ratings as well.

It surprises me they don’t try apply % and rating across a bell curve. Coupled with a very slight inflation, you could easily distribute players evenly over the entire ratings range and ensure players continue to play across the season.

people dont realize this is literally like 1900

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Until people aren’t reaching new goals at which point we just pivot to making them more easier which was what this was about in the first place.

Well, no or reduced inflation has its own set of consequences.

% based is healthier for the game, it takes the inflation/deflation problem out. Whether blizz realizes or does it though.

With that said there are already brackets/leagues.


If I’m not gold league at 2800 I don’t want to hear it


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True but they are static and dont adjust periodically throughout the season. This is the major problem. If the ranks you listed changed cr based on the ladder it would be great :smiley:

Welcome to how everything pre BFA worked.

Oh I agree.

I agree I think this change needs to happen with how the MMR system works currently and how much it can vary. The numbers vary on what they mean from season to season. OW just did a complete ranked system rework. Wonder if maybe they have something coming for WoW PvP? Of course OW is a PvP game but I can dream right?

I would assume that would mean changing the rewards to end of season as they formerly were right?

You would think there’s some way by now to just have rewards from a live ladder and not have to wait until the end of a season. I’d be fine with end of season rewards, but everyone wants instant gratification now so I can see the argument against it.

How would that work with % based though?

Are we saying mmr exists but CR is replaced by % based of ladder? At beginning of season you would be top .5% at whats 1500CR now if your just queing.

How does a system like that work.

I’m sure someone can explain it better that has played something like League before. I don’t understand their system fully myself, but something has to be better than dealing with tuning inflation every single season, months in because participation varies so much.

League has mmr but ranks

iron/bronze/silver/gold etc plat and they added a new one emerald. plus like masters/gm/chalengers or w.e.

They could do a mix of both maybe. Make hitting say elite instantly gives you a mog but the glad achieve and mount requires having so many weeks staying at elite. They could even do something really cool like unique class/spec spell colors that could encourage swapping specs or alting to grab them.

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You forgot my league league iron.

Based and true