If it hasn't been said already

Horde can queue for premades just like Alliance can. Only difference is the wait times. You were warned about this, something something you knew what you were getting into, and that your queues would be undoubtedly a major issue later on.

Call it what you will, but you have the ability to queue exactly how Alliance does.

Edit: Furthermore, you guys got what you wanted:

  • “Quit” So they did. And now you have less to queue against

  • “Re-roll” So they did. And now you have more to queue in competition

I’m not sure what you guys expected other than what was said all along.

For the Alliance still stickin’ it to them and holding the good fight, keep it up.


Obvious troll is obvious 0/10


he’s 100% right. you’re the troll methinks.


This needed another thread. Thanks so much for sharing.

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I queue and go farm mobs. It’s not that big of a deal for me.

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I’ve read some of the complaining threads (I know, my bad).

Some Horde players complain that their queue times are long.

Others compain that once they get in a BG, the Alliance players don’t play the way the Horde wants them to. In fact, when both sides have the same number of players, Alliance wins sometimes!

Of course they must be cheating! How else could they win? Everybody and his uncle Bob knows the Horde is much better at PvP! I read it right here.


We’re trying to keep in pace with Hordes ‘but muh pre-mades’ posts so it’s just trying to re-iterate what they’re ignoring.

It’s a huge whine-fest about issues that aren’t issues. Look at spybot for example, huge wave of complaining but no one even worried about it anymore.

Moot issues.

were you just born legs first or were you dropped on the skull as a child?

you can’t make a premade with queue times, it’s not possible…

But sir, you can queue just like Alliance it’s just that simple.

Man, if only we had discussed this before, about imbalances and people being told to quit or re-roll… if a certain side of the community wasn’t so toxic maybe we wouldn’t have even had to worry about this in the first place.


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here’s the issue… we run about 40-50 av’s a day across all realms, comparatively to the original 300 we had week 1. This made for 3 minute queue times compared to 18 minute queue times.

Sounds like everything Horde wanted is working as intended.

I mean the response to tell people to quit or re-roll, you wonder where those queues went.

They either quit or they are on your side now. Congratulations!! Ya’ll won! Enjoy the queue.


Same , make that gold while we wait !


The only part of this I really disagree with is the ‘you were warned’ part. As if Horde had been nicer to Alliance during Phase 2, things would be different now.

Allliance as a group doesn’t pvp as much as Horde. Faction balance in the BG queues was always going to be a problem. Nothing to do about it.

When the queue times become long enough, Horde will return to smashing alliance raid groups.

It also means that alliance rankers have to work harder… You seem to be the toxic one and the toxic side of the community. Your faction has more whining posts than any other and then after you get a reprieve (early bgs), you come back to whine more…

Not in the sense like we’re some sort of authoritative group, but what kind of backlash the vicious berating of Allies during that phase and what it would lead to.

There’s many good and bad reasons why.

“You have to be the toxic one because if that wasn’t the case then that’d mean we’re defacto toxic.” Horde mentality is appalling.

During Phase 2, worst of the worst came from you guys first. What you see now is a backlash of it.

I think you got your thought process all jumbled being so excited to try to make a point, but this is why most anything a Horde player would ask for is automatically resisted.

You dislike the facts I stated and attempt to draw a reaction but all you get is more facts. Only thing Alliance are responding to these days, are Horde whining posts.

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I mean this is at least the 3rd thread he’s made in a week or two. Just looking for drama I think.

It depends on what you mean. I think harder is the wrong word to use. Alliance rankers just go in and smash horde pugs all day, there is nothing hard or difficult about it.

And both sides rankers have to pvp all day long to move forward.

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It’s funny how hurt alliance players are over phase two. It’s like they have PTSD or something. They will still be hurt over this in 10 years I bet. Sad to see.

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Only reason why you feel it’s drama is because it’s a subject you don’t like. :slight_smile:

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You start a thread on something that has been said in numerous threads.