If I play draenei shaman... everything i do for the next year is pointless?

A curiosity question about your response if I could. Specifically about using either a mage or a hunter to farm gold. Is farming on a warlock just not as viable? Most of my experience playing a warlock is from TBC and beyond when I’d argue they are much more efficient than they were in vanilla so I’m really familiar with how well or efficiently they farm in vanilla.

It’s a relative problem indeed. Mage and hunter are just far and away the best farmers, with mage being leaps beyond the hunter even.

Warlock still has good options though. You can clear most or all of DME bosses solo if you learn it properly. With drain tanking, it’s a very efficient class for open world farming as well.

Or wait for it go horde then faction change in a year

The difference between leveling a shaman with 0 gold and leveling a shaman with white gear enchanted with stamina and fiery is night and day. You will do 1 to 20 in 3 hours instead of 10 hours.


Exactly. Just get ready to juice him up

Space goat

They should give both factions paladin and shamans this time around

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Op you could level a horde shaman on the off chance you’ll be able to faction change in a year.

No because they really should release it as classic fresh but with TBC as the base. That would be so perfect. All specs would be playable and not a meme, both factions would have all classes available, all the QOL changes added. That just seems so much better to me than classic fresh.


I mean you’re just gonna die to the Fel Reaver 5 mins in anyway.

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It better not I’d rather have Word than Wrath.

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newsflash, everything you do in WoW is pointless :expressionless: just play and have fun

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so much for wanting FRESH TBC

I’m not sure I follow. What comment have I made in this particular thread that would suggest that I don’t want fresh TBC?

Too bad. The game doesn’t have to be changed to suit you (1 person).

Play SoD until then.

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no I’m agreeing with you, saying it’s not Fresh if everyone is bringing characters with capped gold and others boosting to 68.

you must be smoking if you think this is only 1 person who wants this

They aren’t adding Dranei to these servers.

If you don’t like it tough

Make first char the sugar daddy/mommy.

My first char will make the blood elf or dranei to com have an easier start.

level 10 gratz! and here is your full crafted armour already made in the mail. Or crap like consumes and armour upgrades. UP the scale from there. 20, 30, etc.

Linen mailed to peg first aid in minutes.

If by chance I get killer boe. save for mailing to the alt later. I can be patient.

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Like peopke have been saying if u wanna pkay classic just pick something, find some friends, and make a lil gold, who knows u might find another class u really enjoy… plus tbh end of vanilla dna start of tbc gonna be easy af to boost a toon 1 to 60 if u realky do want a draenai shaman, just lvld a mage in 4days on classic and thats irl time not play time.