If I just had *BLANK*, WoW would be perfect!

What’s the one thing you dislike about WoW, that if it changed, you’d be incredibly happy?

For me, it’s Frost Mage spell effects. Some of them are sorely outdated and are still living in 2004. Some examples are Frost Barrier, Frozen Orb, and all mage portals. 2/3 have updated spell effects in game for NPCs/city portals, but they have not been transferred over to the Mage Class yet.

I don’t think it’s one thing. I think it’s a bunch of little things and design philosophies. So that’s difficult to say. And nothing is ever perfect, but there are too many things I’d like to see to make me happy with it.


If I just had [fun], WoW would be perfect!


If I just had balanced talent trees, WoW would be perfect!

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I still would be interested in seeing some of them.

Just interested in other people’s perspectives of the game and where Blizzard could potentially do better. We all look at this game through different lenses.

If I just had lower expectations from a multibillion dollar 30 year old game developing company in the year of our lord 2024, this game would be amazing.

Drop rates that didn’t require years of farming. Eliminating that would make thw game better for me.

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If I just had [reason to live], WoW would be perfect!

Reins of the Swift Spectral Tiger


Rank 1 rating on one of my toons that I played…

A threat that actually gets you excited and interested, a story that rocks and gets you hyped, and/or the content on steriods that takes advantage of it to full effect.

Think of epic art design in dungeons, raids, and zones or endgame zones, stuff that pushes the game at every angle including tech. Then take it up one more notch or two.

Yeah, that kind of treatment pulled off well I guess would be good. Or just someone who knows how to pull you in and direct the whole thing well. That’s why I’m hoping in the very least Metzen and his singular vision can drive everything else with greater purpose and direction.

People go nuts for WoW cause of things like Arthas, Legion, Titans, Void, Firelands, and that core part of the lore. Getting them invested and tossing in new ideas like you’re writing Warcraft 4 and introducing a new story and theme perhaps. I think this is what’s cool about the Saga, in that it pushes boundaries it seems like and I like that. It introduces us perhaps to new stuff like Shadowlands seemed to try to do but failed.


No one change would be enough to make me, ‘incredibly happy.’ There’s a number of things which would need to be changed to make me incredibly happy.

At this point, WoW2 serving as a lore reboot is probably the top of the list. Go back to post WC3:TFT, and this time, make the lore a priority.

Alternate advancement points or similar to let us learn new skills for any class, like heals or speed boosts or levitate or camouflage or something. Just the ability to enhance our characters as far and as interesting as we want. Screw balance it’s not a competition for me, it’s an immersive world I want my chars to exist in.

I’ll have to agree with Syndryn here. It’s difficult to pinpoint any one thing, so off the top of my head I’ll go with what I support in that whole “what would fix WoW” argument that happened a week or so back on YouTube:

1: A better early game experience. Personally, I think a story questline covering some main highlights of the lore and introducing who some of the main characters would be nice. So that way, for example, when one hears Cyrus Crestfall for the first time yell “Stand Down!! Don’t you know who that is!?” The player isn’t sitting there going “No!! I don’t know who any of these people are!! I’m so confused!!” (I do concede that pulling this off and doing it well would be pretty difficult, nevertheless, I still think it can be done).

2: Some character models could use a few more customizations, which I acknowledge that they’re slowly working on. For me, upright male worgen and forsaken would be nice.

3: Better use of the world as a whole. The use of vertical progression has some pretty steep consequences, usually at the cost of a lot of dead zones. And that’s just unfortunate.

Those are the first three things off the top of my head, intentionally steering clear of subjects like class balance, PvP, raiding or the mythic + scene, as I don’t feel as though I’m fully equipped to speak about those things after only participating in LFR and mythic + only up to around +8 or +9 last season.

I don’t believe anything of what I said would make WoW “perfect” per se’ as that is such a tricky, subjective word, but these are some things I’d love to see them address eventually.


Gonna take a lot more than that, kiddo, but I appreciate the enthusiasm

player housing


If I just had BLANK, WoW would be perfect

That’s easy: Infinite time

:dragon: :infinity: :dragon: :infinity: