I am just curious because ….well because I am.
You don’t have to do anything. And there are people on the realm that do not.
But then, why decide to come to Emerald Dream if not willing to at least attempt and see if you like it?
I am genuinely a curious person. I guess I should buy all the Warcraft books first. and read them.
You don’t have to but it is fun!
I have very few warcraft books, though I have Chronicles. If you are worried about knowing the history and Lore of WoW, there are many here that would be glad to answer questions, and wowpedia is a great source.
I am not so much concerned about the history of wow. I played with friends back in the day. They left and the insignificant one stayed. I wonder why? They must have had a point to prove.
There are different types of roleplaying and Emerald Dream is not a very strict RP server. What I can recommend is making a character, come to the Alliance bar night in Stormwind on Tuesday night for if want to see their side, or Saturday night bar night for the Horde. For the Horde we don’t always have it in Orgrimmar so you might have to battle.net someone here to get an invite for your main to come over. I don’t always go to bar night as Lohkawas does.
Also, check out redwoodtimesonline.com
for some of the activities we have going on.
Meant to post from this toon. No wonder I could not post the link - Look forward to seeing you soon.
Tbh you could just read the relevant Wowpedia articles if you’re curious about lore.
Remember this is all for fun, no need to turn it into a homework assignment. My advice would be just play the old games. WC1 is kinda dated but interesting in a historical record kinda way but 2, 3 and their expansions hold up from a gameplay perspective- though maybe thats my nostalgic bias talking.
More people probably don’t rp on ED than do.
I thought your blood elf was vursula
OP, I have compiled an ED survival guide for you.
Despite the woes of sharding and CRZs, and degenerates from other servers like Lightninghoof, Earthen-Ring, Argent Dawn and others polluting our shards, we have somehow managed to maintain a close-knit community.
Hopefully, this guide helps you navigate our server and community if you seriously plan on migrating and staying here:
Understanding that drama is a part of life. Not just video game communities, but irl too. The best thing to do is keep a safe distance. If drama directly involves you, try to amend things by being a good person. Mind you, not the person on the high horse, but just a good person. Sometimes being a good person is having the ability to walk away.
Understanding that there are bad eggs everywhere. That there will be rage-whispers, and having a thick skin for negative interactions. For example, my go-to response for rage-whispers generally tends to be “Intrist ya in a pint?”.
Understanding that the community involves both factions, and people play both factions. Practically, this means not having limitless hatred for a person or guild just because you are wpvping actively or competing in other pve areas, and understanding that collaborating and working together enhances that wpvp/pve experience. Do not let ingame RPing extend beyond the game.
Understanding that having fun and enjoying yourself is paramount, but not at the cost of others. People will take note if you’re being troublesome to deal with, and tend to ignore you if you constantly do so.
To round up, make friends, be nice and have fun. Don’t stir the drama pot, and ED will be a great place to play in the long run.
Thank you for all of the replies. Much appreciated!
Seeing how (sadly) us RP-ers have become a minority on an RP server, you don’t have to RP at all.