If i boosted a toon will i unlock World Quests immediately without doing any of the campaign?

I boosted a toon to 70 this Feb with a character boost i got along with buying the heroic edition of SL three to four years ago. my friend bought a boost a month ago and when he used the boost, he didn’t need to do anything to unlock WQs, he said it simply appeared on his map.

I haven’t unlocked WQs with the SL boost, so I wanna ask, if i buy a DF enchanced lvl 70 boost, will i get WQs unlocked immediately? I’m asking because my friend isnt clear on which parts of DF campaigns he had done, so he might have unlocked WQs manually than by the boost like he claims. Tried to ask reddit but no one answered or knew anything, I hope I can get information here.


We’ve seen people using the boost on one character, and getting unwanted World Quests and unlocks on other characters as well, as a side effect.


yes, you unlock everything up to Emerald Dream questline instantly.
plus start off with renown 20 on the base reps of DF

hi all, thanks for your replies, i will buy a boost so i can play WQs with my friend.