The first time I encountered the game being down for an update, I mistakenly clicked on another server to attempt to log in. When that didn’t work I waited until later to log in. Since that time I have not seen a player that was helping me, nor the guild I joined. I don’t see anything to tell me what guild I am in either. I don’t know which server I originally started on. This game can be so confusing.
Welcome to Azeroth!
Heh. Truer words were never spoken!
The game is very big, and very deep, and easy to get lost in.
You can have different characters on different servers, or realms. (“Realm” is just another word for “Server”.) The character you are posting on now is Olosofneab, on Aegwynn server.
The character Olosofneab, on Aegwynn server, is not in any guild. I can tell that by looking up your Profile, or Armory, here: If that character was in a guild, I would see it listed beside your name up top.
But you seem to have done a bit on that character, since it is level 70.
My best guess is that when you clicked on a different server, you made a new character.
When you log in and see your character Olosofneab, do you see any other characters? Can you log in on them?
P.S. after researching and thinking about this a bit more
I see you posted here before, about Windswept Balloons, two months ago. Was this before you say you switched servers? Did you “switch servers” recently?
Were you always playing the character Olosofneab or did you have another?
Did you Boost your character to level 70 after buying The War Within expansion? (Using the “W” icon on your character screen?)
When you say you have not seen a player that was helping you, what do you mean? Do you mean that the helpful chat has disappeared? Newcomer Chat ends when you reach level 70. But according to your achievements, you hit 70 last June. Do you mean Guild Chat? You might have been dropped from your guild. Guilds sometimes do clean out their rosters of people who don’t log in much. Do you remember the guild name?
One of my characters was dropped from a guild that was closing down when I first started, and I was so confused. Was it a glitch? Did I offend someone? Nope. It just happens sometimes that a Guild Master clears out, or even makes a mistake while clearing out a big list of people who don’t log in.
A small version of your picture is on top right of this screen. If you click it, at the bottom it may say “Change Character”. If it does, do you see another character available?
This doesn’t relate to your question, but you might be interested in bookmarking this video:
It’s massively long, but is divided into chapters of 1-2 minutes, with a Table of Contents if you click “more” on the description tosee thefull description.
Hail Grainne and thank you for replying. I will try to answer all your questions but you said it best:
“The game is very big, and very deep, and easy to get lost in.”
First, I am pretty sure that I didn’t buy the War within Upgrade yet. I think I am still just subscribed (retail?).
The person who was helping me, took me with him on a few dungeons to help me get gear and gave me gold to buy some items as well as gave me advise on what to get. He no longer appears in my “Friends list” so I assume he either unfriended me or quit.
The only reason I thought I was still in a Guild was that when I am invited to join a Guild, I see a warning that my reputation will drop in my old Guild.
Now that you told me that Realms are servers, I understand a little bit better.
I have a second character, Muckde, a lvl 55 Hunter. When I click on the Realm list, it only shows two characters on the Aegwynn server, no others.
Did I really hit lvl 70 in June? Wow, I didn’t think I had been playing that long.
I still feel like a Newbie! I have been grinding the 2 daily quests I found in Stormwind, doing Dungeons in groups using Dungeon finder, wandering, doing quests I find (mostly low level) and trying to raise profession levels. I guess I sort of stumbled my way to 70.
At this point I need to do three things,:
- Buy the upgrade. 2) Watch the video you mentioned and 3) Find a new Guild.
Cheers! Olos
Yes, if you are playing this level 70 character, you are subscribed. Being subscribed means you can play any of the WoW games - WoW Retail, WoW Classic Cataclysm, WoW Classic, and so on, but this character is in Retail.
Yes. People do drop out - and back in - to the game all the time,.
Ah. That doesn’t exactly follow, necessarily.
When you leave or are dropped from a guild, your guild reputation is preserved with that guild so that if you rejoin it, you will have lost no reputation. That catches accidental leavings. Further, when you change guilds, you do not lose ALL guild rep - it is just decreased when you join the new one.
There is no time limit on this state. Obviously, you were in some guild at some point, so whenever you join a new, different guild, you will carry some but not all of your original guild rep with you to the new guild. You will always get the warning that your guild rep will be decreased.
Guild rep isn’t very important anyway, and more is always being earned when you quest or dungeon, so it’s not a big deal.
Check out the site
It has all the best ways to skill up your profs.
An important thing to know is that the three gathering professions - Herbing, Mining, Skinning - MAKE gold by selling your mats on the Auction House while you learn them, while all the crafting professions, like Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting, COST a lot of gold to learn … though that can pay off later if you are diligent.
What profssions have you taken?
You really should open up more Daily and World Quests.
If you are staying at 70, you would do that by completing the Dragonflitght Campaign.
If you are buying The War Within, you will do that by completing that Campaign.
Do please ask again with any questions you have!