If Horde gets Ogres

If they do Ogres as a playable race first they’d have to come up with Female Ogre models.

Or…stay with me on this, perhaps all the Ogres we see are female, and they’d have to come up with male models. I mean, has anyone ever looked under an Ogres loincloth to be sure?

In any case, you know that the first complaint about playable ogres would be a call for skinny ogres.

(Not getting started on how Vrykul are the least likely race to join the Alliance. Sheesh people.)

They should get their WarCraft II equivalent: High Elves.

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Convinced that the primitive races of the Horde can help them achieve victory over their enemies, the Forsaken have entered an alliance of convenience. Harboring no true loyalty for their new allies, they go to any lengths to ensure their dark plans come to fruition.


Seeking aid against the Centaur, the great chieftan Cairne Bloodhoof befriended the savage Orcs who had recently journeyed to Kalimdor. With the Orcs’ help, Cairne and his tribe were able to drive back the Centaur and claim the grassliands of Mulgore for their own.

Darkspear Trolls:

Rescued by the young Warchief Thrall and his Orcish warriors, the Darkspear Tribe swore allegiance to the Horde. Led by the cunning Shadow Hunter, Vol’jin, the Darkspears now make their home in Durotar along with their Orcish allies.

Forsaken - no true loyalty for allies
Tauren - befriended the orcs
Trolls - Swore allegiance & Orcish allies.

One of these 3 is not like the others

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