Then what opens the way to the Lightlands in Pandaria?
… what?
How much whacky tobaccy have you partook in today?
I think we are in a time paradox and stuck on sunday?
My guess would be one of the monk’s artifact weapons since it’s in Panderia. If we start trashing monk weapons then we can make our way into the Lightlands.
Mudmugs leaky bucket
Did you just make this up?
PS, it’s Wednesday.
During self isolation what day isn’t a Sunday at this point
A land of Light would actually be really cool. FFXIV has an expansion like this, and it would fit well into the WoW lore.
The Light (also known as the Holy Light, Holy Light of Creation and light of Creation) is an endless, shimmering sea of energy situated outside the barriers of reality and one of the two most fundamental forces in the world of Warcraft along with the Void, which was born from the absence of the former. The two cannot exist without the other. The Light is not necessarily “good”, it is a primal force with its morality characterized by how it is wielded.
The key to opening the Lightlands is plunging the heart of Y’shaarj into the waters of-- wait a minute
If their was a lightlands Utyer the light bringer would be there. But he is in Bastion in the shadowlands so I don’t think their is one
There is a “land of light”, but it’s basically just like an ocean of light that kinda travels around the cosmos. It sounds a lot like a nebula.
Before life began and before even the universe existed, there was only the Light. The Light existed as a boundless sea of living energy, swelling across all of existence, unfettered by time and space. Yet as the ever-shifting sea expanded, pockets of cold nothingness appeared, giving birth to a second, opposite force: the Void. The growing tension between the two opposing energies eventually ignited a series of cosmic explosions that gave birth to the physical universe, the Great Dark Beyond.
The cataclysmic birth of the cosmos sent shards of fractured Light flying through the cosmos, suffusing the newly formed planets of the universe with the spark of life and giving birth to countless life-forms, the most common of which were the primordial elementals. Occasionally, these shards of Light would gather and form clouds of Light from which powerful beings would emerge, among which the benevolent naaru.
The most unstable energies created by the cosmic explosions coalesced into an astral dimension known as the Twisting Nether.
It really depends if there are Voidlands with Void people in them, because then there would be Lightlands with light people in them, too, since they are opposites in lore. But I think that is what the Emerald Dream is supposed to be since it’s the opposite of the Shadowlands on this wheel of magic in the Warcraft universe.
Dear god, I’m now imagining an entire dimension with JJ Abram’s Lenseflares.
You have to break X’era (again).
Pandaria is a realm of the Light??? Pandaren don’t even have Paladins. Impossible…
Quarantine means every day is Sunday.