If DF is so good then why

Its been 2 weeks.

Man those HUGE fire buffs really looking solid!


Only 9300 dps behind!!

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Was a thread I made about how trash blizzard is at balancing retail still.

All the DF enjoyers came running in talking about how they are buffing people on the 20th.

Well it’s been 2 weeks and balance is still trash.

Basically blizzard can’t balance a game to save their lives. Retail players got Stockholm syndrome and they just keep giving them a pass or excuses why it’s ok to not ever balance the game right.

Balance is trash lol .

Still I prefer retail .
Like new content and the difficulty .

I agree the raid is prolly dope and mythic raiding is fun.

Just wish blizzard would learn how to balance like FF14.

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0 parse means the person is so bad they should be kicked or they died immediately and should also be kicked


Easy solution is to just stack rogues and hunters

The balance you posted for FF14 is calculated differently than the way dps is calculated for WoW. FF14 has three different metrics to look at and the one you posted isn’t personal dps but includes damage give to others by external buffs. It would be like if warcraft logs added the damage gained from PI to the priests dps instead of the lock/boomkin/mage.

Basically, FF14 logs are calculated differently and you’re not really comparing two like things.

If you look at aDPS and nDPS as well as the rDPS that you posted you would see a graph that looks a lot more like WoWs dps spread, with the top dps being 30% higher than the bottom.

So you can stop riding FF14s jock when it comes to balance.

Retail is trash. DF is hot flaming garbage mess.

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What was the point of this thread exactly?
I went through some replies from you, and you’re just blatantly sh1tting on DF…why?

Okay, cool. You don’t like it… You’re like vegan people. Shouting how everything else is bad.

And speaking of balance, in wrath Frost mage pve 99/100 parse is equal to a level 77 ret paladin.
Arms warr won’t even get close to Fury starting ToC.
BM/Surv will never be on par with MM starting TOC.
Sub is the same story as frost mage.

Apparently you got some issues. You seem to care too much about the game you don’t play.

idk mate. You tell me.

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Wow hot take

Any smooth brain who enjoys DF is where they belong. They drank the koolaid and got their coof vaxx and they’re happy playing with genderless characters. What about wotlk and lack of features we deserve?

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Keep playing a 15 year old game, that is what is left for your ilk.

Last time I checked, WoTLK you select body type 1 and 2.

Y’know … now that I think about it, it’s really poor game design how, in FFXI, a 99-parse Red Mage is only equivalent to a 75-parse Black Mage.

fire mage at the beginning of the tier doing bad, what a surprise!

by the way rogue does fine without bis secondary stats meanwhile fire mage is all gear dependent.

the last three expansions fire mage was weak at the beginning, they buffed it to the moon, and we ended up with last season Legion, Nylotha, and season 4 shrouded fire mage. it happens literally every expansion. you picked the wrong class to use as an example in the first patch of the game. this cycle is like clockwork for fire. weak beginning patch into the titan goliath spec it always is.

fire mage is also a polarizing spec, where the top 1% will be doing infinitely more damage than say the top 50%.

What? Rofl. It’s the best expac in over a decade and you’re literally playing Wrath rofl.
Wrath is retail lite if anything Wrath and DF have more in common than Wrath and Vanilla.

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Ik you ain’t talking crap as a body type 1

Regardless of how people feel about DF. I think Blizzard screwed up colossally by not allowing their player base to play on Classic and Retail servers at the same time. When you log into one it boots you from the other… makes 0 sense.

If people like DF, that is cool. Just give me RDF for 1-79 on WOTLK classic!


Ain’t nobody buying what you sellin.

Dragon Flight is a dumpster fire. If you like it so much why you all up in here talking in the WoTLK forums.

Last, I look, this was a Classic forum, not a snowflake retail forum. Gone back that mess over there.