If DF is so good then why

What i find really interesting is you’re here talking smack about people playing DF and stockholm syndrome and all this garbage when you’re literally paying a 15 sub like the rest of us? what makes you any better dude? lol my god what a pathetic dog


I already know what wotlk is and was.

Youre coping with how you want DF to turn out .

See the difference??

I also wasn’t talking smack about people playing DF, maybe read the thread?

I was showing the disparity in DPS from top to bottom.

Why can’t retail players grasp the concept of the thread, it really isn’t that hard.

If you’re happy playing spin the wheel every few weeks and hope the spec you likes performs by all means keep playing.

Yeah i’m loving DF, it’s a such a great change from shadowlands, but see heres the thing…I skipped SL because it was pure garbage, but unlike you, i stopped paying the sub and didn’t waste my time making a post for a game i didn’t enjoy anymore, you should try it sometimes because literally no one cares if enjoy retail or not.

I never claimed people cared.

I never claimed to even dislike DF.

All I did was make a claim a few weeks ago about how bad balance would be.

Then when I had the data to back the claim that I made up I made a thread.

I’m not paying a sub for DF, I don’t even own it. I’m paying for wotlk classic.

Keep trying to change what the thread was about tho!

It’ll be good this time bro I promise. Just trust me bro. I promise it’ll be good. Just buy it bro I swear. This time is it I promise.

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Leveled my mage on retail and I’m big oofing hard ngl.

Rune of Power still being a thing after 6 expansions is mind boggling.

I’ll stick to my WotLK shatter combos, much more entertaining.

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No one asked. Go get outraged about something else and make another thread :clown_face:

I’m not outraged by anything.

Retail players should be outraged at the incompetence of this release, which is the point of the thread…

Please try and keep up.

Your post history says otherwise.

No it doesn’t.

This is about the disparity in DPS between the top and bottom, please try to stay on topic or better yet feel free to leave the discussion.

You aren’t adding anything as usual.

This is the Wrath forums and you’re talking about Retail dps. It’s not on-topic to begin with.

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Sure it is, it was a prediction I made in other retail threads on these very forums.

You know you don’t need to post here right?

You can ignore the thread.

You don’t ever add anything anyway.

You are a known clown, your last forum account was as well.

I am simply calling you out for what you are. It’s a game either play it or dont. The only thing you are adding to any discussion is argumentative criticism.

Maybe try and relax and not take video games this seriously.

In case you try and defend it your literal original post in this thread is inflammatory to begin with. :clown_face:


Please stop adding your self portrait to every post you make, we don’t care what you look like.

I made a prediction and was right and backed it up with evidence from logs.

I was told on the 20th they are “fixing” the dps disparity and I will wait and see.

Thanks for adding nothing like always and for the free bumps to keep this at the top to raise awareness on how bad blizzard balancing team is.

I do feel as if your time was better spent raising your damage as it seems really low in comparison to other arms warriors. A 60 average means you have a lot of room to grow.

Here is a guide that might help you do just that.

With enough practice you might actually be able to become ok at the game, keep up the good work.

Oh no hes lashing out!

Stay mad about a game you dont even play and getting triggered by an emoji :clown_face:

I was waiting for it as I read through his diatribe. What a predictable little gremlin.

Honestly sad

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No I’m not.

I’m offering you help to improve.

The emoji doesn’t bother me, just odd to keep posting it.

You can use all the gamer phrases you want that doesn’t make what you say have anymore meaning.

There’s the 99 parsing dps holy priest.

We’re 100+ comments and still nobody has praised your purported foresight into parsing in the starter raid of the Dragonfurry expansion.

( because nobody actually cares )

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Some of the responses were on topic.