If Death has (secret) Agents, why can’t Life? Surely all the Pantheons believe in self-preservation, and they can’t be so naïve as to believe they are free from external influence or threat. If Death has its agents infiltrating the other domains, why can’t other Pantheons do the same?
It’s (mostly) clear that the Nathrezim (a.k.a. Dreadlords) serve Death (and likely Zovaal). Perhaps their thousand+ year quest to spy-on and manipulate the other Cosmological Forces wasn’t just about assisting Zovaal’s escape, but for self-preservation.
It would make sense if all Cosmological Forces valued their power that they would enact preventative measures from invasion/defeat. Maldraxxus comes to mind as an example. I think the Dreadlords served in this capacity when Zovaal was in power before his imprisoning, only to avenge him from the shadows after his jailing.
So that got me thinking. Are there other spies or agents that are seemingly out-of-place in the WoW Cosmos? Then it occurred to me that there are two (heavily) nature-and-life themed characters that sit on Pantheons seemingly contrary to their own (if not out right antithetical).
Eonar, the LIFE BINDER, sits on the Pantheon of ORDER, and the Winter Queen presides over a realm of hibernation & rebirth on the Pantheon of DEATH ?! Could it be, the two daughters of Elune are in-fact agents of LIFE, planted on different Pantheons to serve Life’s interest?
This would also make even more sense of the Eonar & WQ sisterhood, and why they wouldn’t necessarily reveal the identity of their mother (that would sound alarm bells). I’m not suggesting Elune is a Life Goddess; if I were to guess, she’s probably the Goddess of Balance and a FIRST ONE. I also don’t believe Elune is involved in the operations of the Life Pantheon.
She (Elune) has a history of mating with Nature demi-gods (Malorne) producing children with horn & leaf appendages growing out of their heads (Cenarius, and now perhaps Eonar & the WQ).
I think the WQ sees her sister as “vexing” because they don’t see eye-to-eye on matters concerning their mission. She obviously doesn’t hate her sister, or else she wouldn’t have sacrificed what she did to revive Ysera.
LIFE may very well have other Agents out & about that we don’t know of. This could also be true for the other Cosmological Forces, but for now, Eonar and the Winter Queen represent the most curious “out-of-place” entities in the WoW Universe.