If carries bother you, do RBGs

With the massive amount of complaints on carries, I just want to make sure all of you folks know that you can get all the gear you want doing RBGs and cap incredibly fast in comparison.

If you’re a 1600 player in arena and feel like you’re struggling, you can quite easily, push to 1800-2.1k or higher. Likewise, if you’re a 1200 player and know the basics, you can quite easily get to 1600. While many of you might argue that you shouldn’t have to RBG for gear, understand that RBGs have always been the best method for capping and have always had a lower skill cap relative to rating.

I mentioned this the other day, but in an 1800 group on my alt, the DH tank got solo capped on by a boomkin because he didn’t want to trinket root/beam. Let that sink in for a second. That is the quality of player you will find at 1800. If you play a DPS, most of the time you won’t even be required to do anything but PvE rotations.

So if you think it’s only gear holding you back and carries are ruining your experience, get gear through RBGs. You’ll cap faster each week. You can finish each week with 2-3 items in your vault because games are stupid quick. You don’t even need to talk for most roles.

All you need to do is queue. You don’t even lose rating for the majority of losses until 1600+… well, unless you’re actually terrible. Which is fine, because you still got 1600! Win!

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this is rich coming from you, of all the people who could possibly advise “carries aren’t a big deal”

Oh do tell

adroit is the person whose complaint threads got blizzard to “fix” carries in 2s with a scaling deserter debuff on /afk losses

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how does someone know if they’re a 1600 player though? Like this is my first rated season and I’ve hit 1900 but now I’m down to 1650 lol. What if I find the right partners, maybe download another addon or two, and climb back? My goal is gladiator but its tough for sure. RBGs are definetely easier to get higher rating for gear upgrades.

Honestly asking, what do you mean?

Ah. That is literally a flat out lie. That had nothing to do with carries. It was about players joining skirmishes and leaving. It was one of the reasons they removed skirmishes as players were only using them as a means to reset their CDs for duels. My suggestion, which blizzard responded to, was only for skirmishes. That whole thing ‘blue’ up and resulted in tons of players harassing me, like I was the one who implemented it…

skirmishes had not been in the game during any of my tenure as a player until their reintroduction much more recently than mop, and mop is when i remember that change(craven debuff) being the fault of your whine threads

patch 6.whatever, mists, it’s added to rated. this is when i joined the pvp community and saw you start inciting people to get mad about losing 2s games against good players who’d manually tanked to 0 mmr by spam leaving games
skirmishes are absent from the game for mop itself exclusively, leaving at the end of cata and returning at the launch of wod

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I used to think this way too. I got 1900 on my lock in rbg in like 2 weeks but on a newer alt that’s around 200ilvl, you’ll have to make your own groups. Especially if you aren’t one of the meta specs.

Also, it feels absolutely terrible to queue against. Was playing ele boom with my buddy this afternoon and I’d say around half had glad, duelist or warlord titles on.

I spam random bgs a lot and half the population there is 2.1-2-4 in rbg and 1.4-1.7 in arena, it looks like rbgs are quite “popular” atm.


This is laughable at best. These are two separate events and I got flak for both.

The one you’re referring to was a request to fix a known issue plaguing arena. It had nothing do with my personal experience. Like people complaining about carries now, it was people tanking rating to cap or carry. At the time, I was 2200-2300 at the time in 2s… I was one of the people doing carries, but not dumping my rating. I also wasn’t charging players and did it for fun and to coach players.

To that, people were joining matches and instantly leaving them with no debuff. This was causing some players to have inflated ratings because they would often hit these players multiple times. In the end, it was screwing with the MMR in the mid ranges and ruining the experience of players at the bottom end. There were a ton of players actually stuck below 1k who had traditionally been 1200, since that was where your base MMR started.

Look, there was obviously a lot more to it. I don’t know why you are saying I was whining about it when it didn’t even affect me. At the time, I had decent standing on these boards, so I used that as a chance to bring more light to a known issue. The hate I got for it was evident of the massive issue it was.

To that, if it wasn’t me, it would have been someone else. To say I was whining about it suggests it wasn’t a problem, which it clearly was.

Carries aren’t really bothering me but I am looking more to do RBG’s as I just find them fun and obviously I want to climb into a higher rating. Right now I’m only 191 ilvl as this is my alt but now my main. It’s near impossible to get into groups so I formed my own last night… went 1-1, the loss coming because I just did a yolo and didn’t really pay much attention to the comp I put together. The win I was pickier with the comp and we rolled 3-0 in twin peaks… I’m going to start forming RBG groups at 10pst on horde side if anyone is interested in forming a consistent group please feel free to DM me or add my tag Sherms#1309

But I dont like rbgs.

i don’t care what you need to tell yourself about it, nobody else who would remember the events you’re lying about still posts here or even pays a sub these days

I like your gear, it looks like a christmas transmog (santa hat) at first glance.

Took me 92 (50 wins) games pugging into other people’s groups, stayed 1400 until I refused to join any group without voice comms, and was finally able to push 1600 this week.
Talked my buddy into doing a few, he got 1600 in 12 games (8 wins). He just randomly joined a group that went on a streak, I joined him a little later and saw him get like 100+ points for the last win into 1600.
Results may vary.

I wonder how many games you get to decide MMR where you’re getting 90+ points per win. On my rogue I got to 1400 fairly easily then it slowed down… I’m 1-2 at the moment on this character but want to be more picky with teams sooner than later so I can get those big wins for longer

So, do you genuinely not see the problem with telling people to do one type of content (RBGs) when what they really want to play is another type of content (arenas)?

For some people it’s not just about grinding out ranking or honor for the gear.

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How am I lying? I was the one that was literally being harassed about it? You serious? You can look at my 2s achievement when I hit 2200 and it was way before that even happened.

I get that and that’s why I said the following…

I understand it’s not a perfect fix, but given how capping works now and the vault, doing RBGs is a great outlet for getting a lot of honor and it’s a much faster way to cap the needed honor for your vault each week.

If you’re really struggling to get the gear you want from arena, then do some RBGs to supplement that. RBGs have always been a better route to elite gear.

And I didn’t suggest it was. I’m only suggesting that there are other routes for good gear and it will likely save you a lot of time. As is, capping honor from arena only is dismal. Even a good player needs 60-100 games played a week just to cap. For most people, that’s more than a couple nights of playing.

So what about the people that want to play arena and not RBGs?


So don’t. The issue people are raising is that they are having issues getting gear and they can’t from arena. This is only a suggestion in the meantime before a solution is found, though there likely won’t be one most of you would be happy with.