If Blizzard treated their players like Square Enix does

If Blizzard treated us like Square, then we’d have a larger and more predatory cash shop than we do. In order to get to endgame content, we would have to quest (QUEST not LEVEL) through the entirety of Vanilla, BC, Wrath, Cata, MoP, WoD, Legion, and BFA before we could even get to Shadowlands.


OK. But right now it kind of comes across as “the sky is falling” nonsense.

I tend to agree lol - although I think it would be pretty cool - I doubt it’s gonna happen.

You expect blizz to apologize about Systemlands when we never even got an explanation behind the WoD? haha

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WoD was a fun expansion for me and the last time that WoW was my main game. It hasn’t been since.

I tried SL but it’s reaaaaaaaallly bad. I was one of the 41% of players that left by Jan and haven’t played since. So yea I’d take WoD everyday and twice on Sunday compared to anything SL.

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I feel like Blizzard already does a good job at this. They are not perfect, but then again, who is?

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Nah, I endured a lot of WOWIS TEH DEADZOR! over the years, but no information supported it. This is the first time I’ve seen the influencers stepping away, most massive expansion drop off, drooping player counts during the pandemic gaming boom, etc. This is also the first case of two expansions in a row being this poorly received.

I don’t think desperately wanting things to turn around, given all of that, is the same as blind doomsaying in the past. If for no other reason than I want WoW to succeed.


Forsaking the MMO genre and turning the game into a skinner box first, online game second, RPG 99th. Personally, as for other people here’s what I would guess.

  • Insisting if they keep forcing unfun systems into the game that drastically impact your performance you’ll eventually like them.

  • The fact these systems make the game alt unfriendly as hell, in a game that encourages you to have alts by its class system and piss poor balancing.

  • Cutting back things people enjoy and had then giving them back only after a grind so they can pad their time played metrics.

  • Lack of any effort into the free mounts you earn in game, or releasing recolors that devalue achievements people grinded for. Then making all the good mounts 6 month sub ones or cash shop ones. For the former point, see the whole 100 exalted reputations mount having a reskin now in the game and completely devaluing that achievement grind.

  • The fact they promised transparency and dialogue with the community going into this expansion and have backed up from that entirely and were doing so as early as two months later.

  • The fact they clearly don’t test the game before dropping it and patches on the first week feel like beta tests.

  • Making it very clear they don’t value you as a customer and only care about your time as in how long they can make you do things you don’t want to do but must in order to play the game on par with other people through arbitrary power systems nobody seems to really like the idea of except the dev team.

I can go on if you’d like but I think you get the point, these are just the concerns I’ve gathered over the past week of the forums.


are there any legit sources of this tho?

The Gold Door of Perfection - that no one can enter since the term perfection is just a man made concept and doesn’t exist in reality. Except for Cineplex Movie popcorn with butter.

Superdata, owned by Nielsen who does the TV ratings for shows/channels. Very credible source.

After reading the article, there was absolutelly no mention of an apology. They only gave excuses and showed everyone how they didn’t do PTR right.

The “Sorry” part is entirely made up by the article’s author.

And no, Blizzard has never in its entire existence apologized after doing something stupid.

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He didn’t read the article to find that out. He just saw that it looked like an apology and said “good enough” then used it as a source. Also fun fact about the author. He’s the guy that actually initially started GamerGate because he gave favorable reviews to a terrible game called Depression Quest then it came out the creator was sleeping with them and kicked off a whole argument about ethics in gaming journalism that later turned into some men vs women BS. Dude was literally listed in the credits. How the hell was he an unbiased reviewer at all? That kind of stuff.

Then you might not want to state things like, “More of the same is probably 10.0 being the last chapter before maintenance mode.”.

tv data can actually be tracked.
a private company who doesn’t provide public data on subscriber numbers… not so much.

I don’t want an apology. Meaningless words. Actions speak much louder than words.

Make the game friendlier to play. No time gating, no rating requirement for pvp gear, flying in relevant zones, etc.

Increase feedback to the community. No apologies, just explanations. Rationalizations. Intent for design choices.

No apology necessary. My ego isn’t so fragile that I need Blizzard begging for forgiveness. All I ask is to make the game more fun to play for all and not just those willing to buy boosts or play content they don’t enjoy just to be able to do what they do enjoy.

i agree on this to an extent. SE went through a big time period where alot of their games sucked. FF XIII was horrible FF XIV 1.0 was so horrible thank god they fixed it. just RPGs in general they put out just werent that gripping… I see blizzard just going through a hard time that they need to get out of. They need to get WoW back on track and they also need a huge win with Diablo IV

Okay, you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about so I’d advise stopping otherwise you’ll make yourself look like a moron.

Yeah they can because of the point of sale stuff apparently (not pretending I understand it all) but I did quite a bit of reading on their website. They “seem” reputable.

I seriously and desperately want to be the one and only dictator mod here so I can get rid of all the negative threads. sigh