If Blizzard offered both sharded and unsharded servers

Lucky for me we aren’t getting the exact same thing we got in 2004, so I suppose the current year argument is completely relevant.

But, as you’re just trolling by this point, I’ll just ignore you from here on out and converse with the more reasonable people in the thread.

Lol, your head is high in the clouds.

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It is my understanding that the reason there were ques in 04 was due to the limitations of the log in server and not the actual game server.
I believe that the person suggesting ques is solely doing so to manage populations and not due to log in server issues.
Blizzard already admitted to being able to crank up the populations to just about any number they want.

That being said i do agree to an extent that a que is better than sharding. But i do not want to see either. Dynamic respawns in my opinion are even worse.
I would like to see blizzard implement other ways to avoid sharding, ques, and dynamic respawns, such as pre order play
early, timing with a content patch with bfa or just letting it run rampant and those that dont like it can wait.

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If sharding isn’t a deal breaker for you, then not having sharding should not be a deal breaker for you,either.

If not having sharding means we get fewer players crying about every little inconvenience, then so much the better for the community, IMO.


That was my understanding as well. When one continent went down it would spark a queue because EVERYone who had been on the continent server that crashed would be flooding the login server.

Also agree that those wanting to not experience the release day glut can simply avoid release day.


I’m not going to go into a whole thing about what’s going on at Blizzard. It’s a little unfortunate, but on the bright side I think it can only help Classic. The devs should be even more committed to creating an authentic Vanilla experience. They really need to draw back in players that have been alienated from the game. So implementing Current features like sharding achieves the opposite of that. They’ll be driving away the very players that they need to attract. Appealing to current BfA players with modern conveniences achieves…nothing. You have those players already.


That’s EXACTLY what wanting a single-player game is.

Claims to have a daughter, still makes childish and fallacious comments on internet forums like this.

Good job.

The kind of number that clearly has no distinctive impact on their single-player gameplay experience.


I’d choose no sharding pvp realm, because its authentic.

If blizzard came out with hand full of no sharding and sharding, I think that sharding would be least popular at least long term.

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Sharded, hands down. I’m not looking to relive the entirety of vanilla. I’m looking to do things I never did during it and wish I had. To that end, anything that lets me skip everything I had done before or makes getting through it faster is fine by me.

Spot on, it would naturally allow for a more reasonable flow of players pushing through zones. Eventually the bubble bursts because people start fishing, cooking, making a bank at to mail crap to.

It would artifically control it

Blizzard needs to completely ignore garbage like this.


Attacks the poster rather than the argument. Classic internet troll. Welcome to report and ignore, you are no longer worth the time of anyone intelligent.

No. A single player is by definition ONE person. Nowhere have I said, anywhere, that I want to play alone. But, as I said, that doesn’t fit your trolling narrative, so you completely ignore that.

Enjoy your circle-jerk. I will save my responses from here on for the more reasonable, intelligent people in the conversation.

Gee. A retail player who wants anything that will let them skip what they do not want to do and to do what they want to do faster.

Color me surprised.


It’s amazing someone would even say what he said. Why are people like that even interested in Classic? And is this the type of player Blizzard wants to appeal to? I didn’t think I could get even more anti-sharding, but…so many of my suspicions continue to be confirmed.


I stated my reasoning. Classic is an unfinished business machine for me. I played the rest of vanilla and have lukewarm desire to re-experience it. Has nothing to do with retail mindset, but go ahead and keep throwing labels if it makes you feel better about instantly invalidating my opinion.

Sucks for you that blizz sided with me this time in this regard.

One more time just to be clear: The only reason I want to play classic is to go back and finish all the raids I never got to. The rest of it is irrelevant to my desire. End game is the only game I care about.

I guess all those “balance changes” and buffs you want for paladins have nothing to do with a retail mindset, either.

I also must have missed the Blizzard statement that they had decided to side with Akaidian and use sharding for his convenience.

The last I heard, they were considering sharding.

Sharding isn’t the issue, the issue is no one trusts Activision when they say they will use it on a limited basis. Activision has burned too many bridges with BFA and proven that they will not hesitate to put profit over players while ignoring feedback.

To answer the OPs question though, I would play on a no-shard realm.

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That’s fine. If they don’t shard, I won’t lose my crap. If they do shard, I’ll be happy and the game will ultimately be better IMO. I’m not here to badmouth other peoples’ opinions on a topic that is entirely personal preference. I just came to answer OP because it was an interesting thread.

Also, no. Your “retail” mindset is a gross generalization that encompasses so many potential game design aspects that it’s near impossible to not fall into it somehow. Literally anything that someone likes about retail? You’d just label them as “retail mindset!!!” in an attempt to invalidate their opinion,not realizing that’s literally impossible to do on a topic such as this.

How about this: know what the only content I truly like about retail? Raids! Know what classic is all about as far as character progression is concerned? Raids!

Sometimes one should look to the quality of the overall game rather than selfish me me me desires. Your attitude is spot on as what many here call a retail mindset. It is precisely wbat actibliz caters to with the modern game, and you are happy to have them apply it to classic.


I could point out all the specific aspects about retail I hate and why lumping me in as a “typical r3t4il pLaYuR” is wrong, but you wouldn’t care, so why bother. Like I said, around these parts, literally liking anything about retail is taboo.