If Blizzard cared for Lore this is how they should handle the new Warlocks

I have given it some thought too for what the teachers should be.

Likely a Highborne teacher concerning they drew power from Immol’thar.

Likely a Broken/Krokul teacher concerning they were transformed by fel.

Likely a Shadowmoon teacher is possible.

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Well, that’s the beauty of us roleplayers, we tend to land on our feet when it comes to WoW dropping the ball.

I’m sure there are gonna be some really dang good roleplayers coming up with some good stories on the combos!


Keep in mind, the Highborne re-integrated themselves in Night Elf society. The ‘Nightelf’ warlocks could be the very same Highborne, even ones who had sided with Azshara once.

Another plausible reason for them could be they forsook the outlaw on darker magics, because if they had such powers & utilities – Instead of destroying their home with its power, they may have just very well saved it.

Tyrande could go to protest but if grand majority of her people agree to the chorus of the choice being made, and point out the hypocrisy of her outrage (she did a ritual to attain power of the Night Warrior) it may shake unrest among her people – And she’s suffered too much loss among her people already.

If people knew the lore, people would know that we’re defined as “unnamed hero”, there is nothing relating to our class, our race, or what we even look like.

it’s time to just come to terms with the fact that the game has abandoned its soul.

If Blizzard cared about lore, they would shuttle all these weird race/class combos (like Draenei and Nelf Warlocks) into Exile’s Reach and not give them access to the timelocked starter zones.

But like I said in another thread, it’s “whatevs.” I just try to look at the bright side of things, which is I finally get tauren and HMT warlocks.

The new warlock questline actually addresses the new races being warlock. Youre meeting new warlocks from different races and they say why they’re there
This is what the lightforged says on the matter

Not amazing but its something.
There might be more later in the questline.
Its either bugged or incomplete on ptr so ends suddenly

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I agree with everything you said, but we both know Blizard ain’t gonna add all that stuff for the new warlocks.

I can see them adding the red eredar skin for the draenei at max, and is just because the thing exists since WoD and should be a somewhat easy toggle.


Basic starter if I make one is warlock is the sister to my NE DH. thats if lazy and don’t work a fresh workup lol.

same dead parents. reuse them.

the more martial skilled and minded sister went off to serve with lord Illidan.

The other always more book wormy in nature found other means to use fel to make sure what happened to her happens to no one else.

Looks like you gave more thought to this than the people who develop the game.

I wouldn’t argue against more lore, but Blizzard already breaks lore with so many race/class combos that I think it’s pretty realistic not to expect any.