If Blizzard Added

One fresh TBC Classic server that didn’t allow transfers or boosts to be used, so that people who wanted to lvl and meet new people, not have epic flying day 1 etc, delay the botting problem a bit, would that work?

The only argument against it I can think of is maybe Blizzard wants to push people to the smaller realms, but I’m not sure these are people that would be moving there to begin with.

Would this make everyone happy? Or what am I not thinking about?


As a resident of a low pop server, I’m there because I like it, but we could honestly use a few more people. I appreciate that they are encouraging people to move to low pop servers instead

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I don’t like boosts because of bots mainly, this’ll make botting much more worse than in Classic.

But yeah fresh servers are dope too. People like new, fresh, always did, always will.

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No of course it wouldn’t’ make everyone happy. It would make some people happy and a lot of people unhappy.

I imagine there would be a lot of guilds ruined because of this, as some of them would play on the fresh server without retail garbage added to it, and others wouldn’t want to leave their server and already geared characters.

I honestly love this idea and would gladly roll on a new server.

BUT (not being negative)

It would need to be more than one. One for each region west/east and PVP and PVE choices. Cause I aint playin on a pvp server (ducks and prepares for the pro pvp crowd to tell me it’s the only way to play :stuck_out_tongue: )

And to me, this does seem like much less of a lift for the development and devops team.


I would like more as well, I’m just thinking Blizzard wouldn’t want to make a bunch of new servers. I’d love it though!

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I think you will get fresh servers because they will misjudge how many they need, just like what happened with classic. It won’t get announced ahead of time because they won’t be planning on it.

Boosts and transfers might be disabled for a period of time, but I don’t see them being disallowed permanently. I wouldn’t mind if they did, I have no horse in that race, but I think it’s likely they will turn boosts on after enough time has passed.

I would LOVE to have some new servers without access to cash shop conveniences for TBC Classic. I think there are actually more people who would move to those servers than Blizzard might realize though.

We have an open threat right now with just such a request: A Formal Request Thread for Fresh/New TBC Servers - #1573 by Ardus-thrall

I agree there may be some downsides to new servers but I think there are more positives to the concept myself. :slight_smile:


That sounds like an awesome idea.

I can’t imagine the amount of people it would upset is larger than the people upset about the boost.

Who would be against it, people in guilds that are split by the decision to restart or continue? The people with big cases of “fear of missing out” that don’t know which side of the fence is the greenest side?

I always meet new people, if i want to talk to them i just run to the entrance of the dungeon and talk to them while they sit on the stairs!

My server went from high pop horde bias to now all that’s left for the most part are raid loggers and horde, and it feels really spartan sometimes.

My hope for TBC is that they hard lock them the prior over populated servers so that new accounts cannot join them and put faction / and gross population indicators on these servers so a better more wise allocation of population can be had.

I know that this is probly a pipe dream because server population management has never been a strong suit at blizzard.

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