If AV premades were a problem against pugs, why is it acceptable in WSG?

you spelled “no” wrong

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I Agree, hence the patch and my quote, most of my anti premade posts have been for this reason. if i was the Alliance player being crapped on by a premade id be on here saying the samething.

As a Horde player versing the premades many many times id go to Dreks room and try and fear bomb to make it wipe or stall the premade, some success many failures.

If we versed one particular premade and if all Horde turtled Drek this premade would mass Aoe grenade and bomb. So mainly Horde would try get what they could and lose rather than fight for nothing.

Regardless of how it was spelt - you still understood it.

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As an alliance pug player I assure you it was just as frustrating to see a bg start 8v40 and know the only way we could end that game was to afk. It should have never been that way.

i know mate anyway hopefully this belated change makes Av better for you.

Cheers and good luck.

Exactly. If I wanted try hard PVP, I’d do RBGs on Retail.

Blizzard would rather have alliance ghosting in wsg than building communities to win in AV.

This is what I see happening too. Players do this. Players change the world. Blizz makes changes by analyzing this player behavior. Yup. This new hot topic will be interesting. :popcorn:

What I’d like to see is you back in retail and for people like you to stop wanting to change classic.

By this you mean it is IMPOSSIBLE to get a pug outside of the top 10 bracket breakers. (small server here too)

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who gives an orc about bfa

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more like destroying communities

“If driving 70 miles per hour is a problem for school zones, why is it acceptable on the freeway?”

they’re different places / zones

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Because the game did not allow you to group queue to AV, therefore you were exploiting.
That’s why it’s a problem. If they wanted to allow premades, they would have given you the option.

Are Alliance really so stupid they don’t understand this?

Well. No. You don’t understand the issue at all. The issue was the multiple games premades were forcing to pop. Which they abandoned to start very short handed. Pretty much guranteed Horde wins.
This was screwing over your own faction mates and giving Horde easy victories.

WSG is not starting shorthanded. You have pvp solutions against premades. Make a discord and encourage pugs to join so you can coordinate better against premades.
Pvp solution to a pvp problem. Engage the pvp.

Because in WSG both sides can do it. Is it really that complicated?


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What I mean by smaller server is that when I was playing yesterday there were 13 level 60s in IF. Two of them being me and another person I was grouped with.

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Because in AV premades were only available to one side. In WSG, both sides have the option of forming a premade.

Hey Qpon, long time no see. Probably will see you again somewhere, and I’m sure you’ll pompyro me out of nowhere again.

There were 13 60s on /who in IF last night while I was playing. I was just looking to have fun in WSG. A few games were pugs on both sides, but many others were randos stacked against teams entirely consisting of warlords and generals.

Those were a die and wait until they win scenario. I can’t imagine that is fun for the winning side either. I’ve been in premades when the other team has done this. I didn’t think it was fun either.

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