I mean, if we just come in and dominate, that means we’re better right?
If arena players dominate the Blitz ladder, does that mean arena players are superior to BG players?
Means your visa limit is higher
Boom roasted
How are rbgs going for you pal lol
Just fine. Finished the achievement for wins above 2400 and stopped playing for the most part. Considering departing the game soon, not really having fun anymore.
Yes, map knowledge comes from actually playing the map though.
It’d have been a banger if it wasn’t 11pm
Map is easy to learn tho. Combat mechanics are harder to master.
Fixed it for you as you are not apart of the we club.
You don’t get to decide that buddy.
for real, what’s with playing above 2k and the game being so much less fun?
it’s almost like it’s not balanced at all
I was genuinely having a good time from 1600 to 2k, but at this point playing is actually stressful. I have canceled my sub as well
always has been
Yooo lets go. Arena bros stand up.
Put this in bg forums watch how they react.
Timing is everything in comedy!
OP is absolutely right, though. Obviously bgs and arena are different skillsets, and top rbgers will do well in arena and vice versa, but as a general rule arena players are better in RBGs IMO.
Arena > Shuffle > Blitz
I’ve noticed that a lot of the people who post in the BG forums are like 35-55 year old casuals and prob wouldn’t care very much. The RBG community on the other hand lol…
Like, RBGers just aren’t very good in scenarios that require actual PvP. At least not from what I’ve seen. I can take a bunch of nodes simply by 1v1ing them, 2v2, or 3v3ing, and it’s usually pretty easy.
100% this. I did an rbg to cap conquest yesterday and went to a node and a rogue raged at me because I didnt come out of stealth to cast cyclone on the dh when he was there and had sap, duel, blind, and stun DRs…
They rely on numbers/strats rather than individual skill; no surprise.