If a user you ignore creates a thread…

Not quite. It’s possible to have multiple accounts.

all accounts tied to battle.net account share the same forum login and character choices


From my experience, most of the people that cry about ignoring someone only use it as a tool to garner more attention. Multiple people have cried about putting me on ignore yet constantly keep responding to my posts, it’s fascinating.


I love how rent free I live in your head man.

It’s like he can’t fathom that more than one person wouldn’t like him.

100% agree!

Granted, it’s a really minor annoyance, since if I recognize a thread maker name as being one of those few EeeeEEEEEEEeeeeEEVUL people I have ignored, I just skip over it.


Hey thank you, it worked!


Awww, how can I ignore my favorite Murder Midget :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I should have mentioned the part about getting back to level 10 as well, but I figured you would figure that out.

Good to see you back on Wild again :smiley:

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Agreed. But then I wouldn’t know when Clark makes obnoxious takes.

I mentioned this before as well, should be an easy fix to auto mute.

I don’t mute critics like some folks imagine… just sealions/trolls, people who got lost looking for another game forum and boring lore nerds that have proven themselves unfun.

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This doesn’t mean people can’t socialize to others on a subject . They can read through it and very will know what the threads about without interacting with you.