It was the best option. Shadowmourne wasnt even an option in Wrath, it was just flat out behind the intended way to play the spec.
Where have they said this? Where have they even suggested this? Unholy Presence giving movement speed, attack speed and lowering the GCD, Icy Talons giving attack speed. I really dont see where you guys get this “they are trying to make us slow moving juggernauts” and then they give DK’s mounted movement as well as a better Divine Speed.
This is why DK’s on these forums are always disappointed. They have a view of the class that in my opinion has never been pushed. Paladin was more of the juggernaut. It was hard to stop as well through self cleanses and freedoms (it also had movement speed) and it hit like an absolute truck. 3x more than Frost did in the same expansion and its combat was slow.
The thing is absolutely no one likes the juggernaut playstyle. No one likes being slow not being able to hit anything and a slow gameplay loop where it can take 24 seconds before you can hit your hard hitter absolutely sucks. It could be 12 seconds before you could even go into your burst in pve with 100% uptime. Paladin was the juggernaut and DK was more fast paced even if you used a 2h weapon.
Just go try ret paladin in cata to see what a slow juggernaut actually looks like in this game. It was the most hated gameplay style ever that I have seen people complain about.