Identifying Mercenaries

Did the system always do this “(Alliance)” and I never noticed?

Never noticed that before either

Personally if I want to check someone for mercenary I just Shift + click their name in the chat and it usually shows the real race

Sometimes if they’re far away on the map the raid-frames will show their real race simply by mousing over them. For example mousing over a Tauren Druid might show them as a Night Elf in the raid-frames

Yeah, just curious if Blizzard has been making recent system changes to PvP.

Or maybe it’s been doing that forever and I never noticed.

Pretty recent, I guess, I’ve came couple weeks back after half year break, it was not there then…
Sometimes hordies comment about, noticed Griefs has one prepared, but most don’t care.
Not in it to spy anyway, just need a break sometimes after string of losses…

Not always, started sometime in shadowlands i believe. If not s3+ SL then start of DF

May have been with the rated cross faction/unrated solo shuffle patch


At the start of the match/pre-starting gate opening I’m usually watching the BG charts for familiar names and keeping an eye out for premaders… I don’t really pay much attention to that “text waterfall” of

player A has joined the battle
player B has joined the battle
player C has joined the battle

…since it’s scrolling by so fast anyways

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