Ideas to Spruce Up Warband Login Page

For the past 6 years I have primarily played 4 characters, so the warband login screen is great for me. I’d like to see a little more variety in how the characters appear. Right now, they are typically either standing, sitting/kneeling, or bent over on the ground like they just tripped. Let’s make these more like what a real warband might do around a campfire! I’d love to see them doing things like this:

  • Playing a game of cards or dice

  • Drinking and laughing

  • Sparring

  • Being passed out on the ground with empty tankards everywhere

What other ideas would make the warband login screen more interesting?


Trophies from ingame achievements like exalted rep or cleared raids.

Class and or race based decorations.

Updating to the theme of the current patch.

Displaying mounts and vanity pets.


I’d love to be able to pick their poses yeah…more so to have my paladin not always having her sword out as it clips when she sits looking like she’s impaling herself on it. Let my hunter be like petting her pet, my rogue maybe juggling her knives, my paladin perhaps reading a book… more than just sitting down doing nothing or looking like they’re ready to fight all the time. I’d even take them just idly sitting by the fire or on a crate sipping a drink or sharpening a blade.


well the game knows what professions each character has
maybe add that.
Blacksmiths can have a lil forge
Herbalists are inspecting a flower or something


engineers tinkering with a gadget, scribes holding a quill like they’re going to write in their diary or something


I agree, great suggestions. Scratching, playing with a pet, smores


Could maybe even add in them all sitting around having a conversation and appearing like friends or comrades…rather than four random people sitting awkwardly around a campfire like they do now


I think most of these things are likely to happen eventually.

The developers were very honest about how rebuilding the login screen at all was a large project. This is just a foundation for them to build on going forward. I think we’ll get a lot of customization over time.


I would like to be able to use it!

Anytime I select a character that is in my favorites/warband my game crashes. It only happens on my desktop system, works fine on my laptop.

Delete the whole thing and put the resources to work on improving aspects of the game we play, not wasting time making pointless and any many cases regressive changes to simple UI / UX functions like a log in screen.

Yeah I know it’s a minor thing - not like people spend a lot of time on the login screen usually. I just thought it would be fun. :smiley:

Thanks for all the great suggestions from everyone. I like the professions idea and the mounts/pets a lot.

It’ll be spruced up by store items, just give it time.

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