Ideas to freshen up pet battle rewards

I’ve been hoping for pet battles to get more love for several expansions now and so far it’s just been more pet battles hehe. I’d personally love to see more rewards that appeal to people who play the other systems the game has to offer, and then maybe we can attract some new tamers to queue against. What kinds of things would yall want to see as rewards aside from just more pets?

  1. Trinket! I would love to have a trinket or embellishment every season that procs my three pet line up to come out and do their first attack animation on an enemy for some damage. That’s way cooler than some rando fire explosion. maybe it’s just a trinket enchant that is 100% cosmetic only?
  2. transmog! Let other people know of our dedication to the art!
  3. More toys! Maybe a super hard rare to get one that on use puts all three of your pets out for a while? Maybe one where a gigantic version of a random favorite pet comes out and roars at everyone, doesn’t need to reinvent the wheel or anything just be something dumb and fun. :slight_smile:
  4. Titles! Crazy cat lady is awesome and all, but let’s get some more!
  5. Mounts usually make people do things, but it’s not really our thing, unless we’re being carried by a swarm of puppies or something. Okay, yes, swarm of puppies mount. Go!
  6. Perma super pet enlarge biscuit! 5 minute cooldown, lasts 6 minutes!
  7. Druid form battle pet! Okay, yes, now I’m just being silly, but at least I have the mirrors combo for now :slight_smile:
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I’ve had a few ideas, some yoinked or expanded by Flip so I suppose he’ll follow… :stuck_out_tongue:

  1. Stable master mount. Like for the healing part, not the hunter utility. Although I suppose people are too cheap with all the bandages and what not, still would be a nice boast point. Or for all the nice testers out there where the sim just won’t do.
  2. Training dummy. Maybe less necessary now, but not having to resort to 3rd party stuff might be more attractive to someone who just want to immerse themselves. This would include a possibility of hiring a Legion tamer (Blizzard loves their long cooldown toys, and that seems like a perfect opportunity for one :P) so Battle on the Broken Isles would have a worthwhile reward again.
  3. Customisable PvP backdrops. An old idea with content creators in mind, one could change a backdrop to previously unavailable places, perhaps through participating in said content (think the music rolls for the garrison, or Brawler’s Guild unlocks). Or adding doodads such as audience, banners, costumes (everything is client side anyway), etc. – I suppose nothing prevents the latter from being used in PvE too :slight_smile:.
  4. (This was for a very particular kind of a fan project I had long since cancelled and was supposed to follow The Very Definitely Final Quest Chain) A kind of pet treats which increases your pets’ health/power/speed by a small percentage for 15 minutes, can’t work in battle finder.
  5. (Just like above, but from a different kind of activity) Crafting your own pet snacks which heal your particular pet rather than a bandage which heals them all. Sounds pretty minor, but was inspired by several instances of logging to the the same NPC I had battled the previous day, while the other pets are all safe and sound :stuck_out_tongue:

Also, your post reminded me of my Legion pastime. Use a toy to become Eredar. Summon a flying pet and give it both Narcissa’s mirror and pet biscuit. Make your own character less noticeable. What do you mean Orgrimmar is being invaded?

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I want a wagon to pull with one of my ground mounts and a bunch of my battle pets can be displayed on it …just moving around and having fun…the sled is fun but that only 1 pet…I want about 15 or so on a wagon …


these are all really cool ideas! I’ve definitely wanted the fancy pulled carriage from the worgen zone since I saw it, but yeah, having a pulled wagon with some random favorites in it would be cool!

some sort of reward for normal pet battles other than just pet xp would be really nice