Ideas for the future of Delves beyond The War Within

Hi!Here are some ideias i have for what i think delves should look like in the future (i am awere i might not represent the majority of players,but i think there is some cool stuff here,that some people might dig as well).

Quality over Quantity:
TWW launched with 12 delves with 3 variantes each (exept underkeep),and some of them are realy cool but others feel repetitive or their gameplay wasnt fun enough.Why not,instead of 12,make 6 delves,that have more time of development to make them and their variants more unique and very diferent from each other,with very diferent settings,mechanics,bosses etc.This will solve the problem of having two underwater delves,two mushroom delves,two candle delves etc.Also with less delves,you can add more then just two new delves per season,maybe 4-6 (i dont how game development works lol).

Bountiful Delves:
Honestly,just make them all bountiful every single day,but put a limit on how many you can do per day.This means players can chose witch delves they want to do (also put witch variant is up in the delve icon in the map pls).Lets say after we complete 4 bountifuls the other delves stop being bountiful.

Delve Companions:
Since it seems we are going to have 1 companion per expantion,build the delves around that,make the companion go trough a story arc each season,make a trilogy story with that companion.Also it would be cool if we have more interactions with them,lets say,when they put the campfire for healing,we sit and they tell us a story,or a joke,something that makes us understand more about who they are.Also would be cool if they reacted to us,we tell a joke,they react,we flirt with them,they react,we dance,they dance etc.

Delve Villains (Zekvir likes):
We need more interactions with the villains so we become more invested in slaying them for good.Let the villain taunt and laugh at us after we die (like xal is doing in m+),let him be pissed after we kill one of their minions “you miserable creature,ill slaughter you to peaces”,make them say some vague enigmatic lore stuff,threats etc.

Go wild with delves or go home:
There is no excuse for holding back or taking delves serious.Go wild and experiment with settings,stories,mechanics,bosses etc.

Delve Idea 1: Chaotic Anomaly. Imagine we get into a cave,and we think the cave is the delve,but in there we find a strange device,we click on it,and then we are teleported to a ruined burning legion ship,that has been taken over by murlocs that are now infected with fel,and their leader is a murloc brute that has become the demon king,and he is the delve boss obviously.

Delve Idea 2: The Horsemans Gauntlet.You and your companion need to make a necromantic ritual to resurect 2 horses and go trough a gauntlet of obstacles and enemies,until you reach the boss.Each variant the gauntlet has diferent obstacles and enemies.Here you and your companion play like a rider of the apocalypse dk,engaging combat without dismouting,and you can pick speed perks troughout the gauntlet to do a speedrun with your mount.One variant you have to race against the horseman,and after the race is over you face him as the boss.If you win the race you and your companion get a buff based on your specs,but if the horseman wins he get a damage buff (in tier 11 you have to win the race or you will likely die).

Delve Idea 3: Dragonskeep: The vibe here is D&D meets Black Rock Mountain.Its a classic dungeon adventure with you and your companion in a structure inside a lava cave (doesnt have to be the literal BRM,just the same vibe),finding secret rooms,avoiding or desarming traps,finding tresures etc,that ends with a duel against a powerful knight (the boss obviously),that in phase 2 jumps on a dragon,and you two have a skyridding duel above a lava pool.

Another Example: It would be realy cool to add more hearthstone chracters to the game.I would love to se Rafaam and the League of Evil as the villains of a season,with Rafaam as the main boss and the others,his minions,imagine ecountering Doctor Boom in a delve,all the explosions and rage that could cause lol.

Lore in Delves:
I personaly loved siren isle enviormental storytelling and lore texts that made you want to put the pieces together to figure it out what happened on the island,and i think it would be cool if some delves have something like this.

This are the ideas i have for now,some may not be good or need some new interations,but would love to see some of this stuff in delves,and i think it would make the experiences more fun.