Ideas for Hero Specs

Outlaw / Subtlety

Pillager: Pickpocket becomes usable in combat and out of stealth - Grants additional combat benefits via stats and also one time use abilities pillaged from your target.

Ringleader: You are the boss of a guild of rogues, and are able to summon aid from your guild in combat to provide assistance in various ways.

Subtlety / Assassination

Warden: Shadowy assassin who specializes in fan of knives, improved stealth mechanics, and a new burst cooldown in spirit of vengeance which replaces death mark and shadowblades.

Knife Thrower: Specializes in dealing damage from range and melee utilizing impalement which replaces the base thrown skill to deal a basic build and spend rotation from range while enhancing other abilities once back in melee.

Night Blade: Deadly assassins that utilize shadow magic spells in addition to toxic alchemy.

Assassination / Outlaw

Sapper: Demolition experts who are able to plant explosive bombs directly on their targets detonate them after a short time. Specializes in burst area damage.

Enforcer: Who needs stealth when you can bloody up your enemies with brute force and dirty tactics? Enforcers trade in the ability to vanish from sight for extra combat advantages.