Ideas for Blizzard to keep things interesting (not rocket science, you can hire me for your content team)


  1. You want people to play this Fortnite rip off? Make the rewards much more interesting. And more of them. Give more plunder because it’s annoying if you spend 5 minutes in a “game” and get ganked fighting a mob and get 100 plunder.

  2. As far as the rewards go… one BIG thing that would get a ton of people to play…. Make the Legion mage tower bear forms a reward to purchase. And other unobtainable items/mounts/etc.

I mean - did anyone even ask for this game mode? Can we please focus on game content that people actually play?


  1. Ok… let’s not sugar coat it. Season 1 sucked. Near impossible to pug past +11 unless you have endless time to waste. Filthy casuals, such as myself, are basically capped at +11s without a group of friends. You might find a group here and there that can do higher keys successfully, but a team where all 4 other players don’t suck? Rare. ANYWAY - I saw something in the patch notes that said you are increasing +12 affix from 10% health/damage/etc, to 12% health/damage/etc…… is this a joke? Are you trying to lose casual players? Catering to the elite? I only see this beneficial IF the dungeons are the way they were DF 1-3. The squish was a ridiculous concept anyway. But, if a 12, truly was a 12 like in DF, then this would be fine. But when a 12 is basically a 22, now making it even more unachievable with a random group…. Wrong direction blizzard.

  2. WHY DO KEYS DEPLETE - you already squished the keys, which therefore shortens the range of keys for rewards, so if 1 or 2 players brick my 8 key, I’m stuck with crests I don’t even need anymore past week 3 at a 7? You already give the option to reduce the key, so why in the world does it deplete. Honestly? If I try a few groups and realize that my key level is not complete-able I WILL REDUCE IT MYSELF. This is seriously the most annoying part of M+. Work hard to boost a key, then get a bad group, or multiple groups, to deplete it again. Terrible concept. Truthfully this should go as #1 because if you got rid of keys depleting themselves from failed dungeons, it would fix a ton of problems. No matter how hard the dungeons are, it doesn’t really matter because you have a key you can try multiple times, and learn the dungeon. That being said, you should still fix the dungeons. Quazii and Yoda have good videos currently with suggestions…

  3. Make it so you have a rare chance to get tokens in M+ to “purchase” pieces from the current raid, like in S4 when everything is fated. Granted, you still had to raid to get the tokens (I think?), but it was a good concept. And if you switch it so M+ drops these tokens… for a casual player such as myself, it would be very rewarding knowing my limited time playing wasn’t wasted, because I could purchase a BiS piece off of my limited dungeons I did.

  4. If you complete more than the allotted 8 dungeons or whatever for the great vault - give more crests when you pick your reward. Or give some of those extra socket things. Something. Will incentivize people (hopefully better players) to play more, therefore have more successful groups. This could potentially be a place for the aforementioned tokens as well.

  5. At the end of the dungeon, instead of being able to swap your key for a random other key… make it so you can choose what dungeon you want… maybe punish it by depleting it 1 level if you want… but either way RNG key selection is annoying.

It’s been mentioned in numerous videos/posts but I’ll say it here again: fix graveyards or where you respawn after a wipe in dungeons period.

Anyway, I have more ideas if you want my resume. Because if you have 2 bad M+ seasons in a row… I can’t see you coming back from that. And this isn’t something to wait half way through the season to address or fix. Fix it now in PTR and not rollout a bunch of changes later.

I had to stop reading when I saw you only make 100 plunder gold in 5 minutes. I don’t think you’re the person to take advice and suggestions from.


I now deliberately kill myself in the storm or by an NPC creature just so no one PvPs me or gets to loot my Plunder / collected treasure.

I won’t let anyone PvP me if I can help it and I definitely won’t let anyone have my stuff.

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Yet took the time to reply :roll_eyes: - and it may be over dramatized, but the fact remains

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M+ doesnt need its loot acquisition buffed.

Not until raid gets a lot of help first.

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What a wildly garbage set of suggestions.

You’re perfect for Blizzard!

Giving everything for free to people who don’t want to play the game, but just want the game to be over, is not a recipe for success. I suggest you look into phone games, OP.

Who said anything about free? Or wanting a game to be over? Are you illiterate?

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You want more loot, and you want it faster.

To do what?

Certainly not to take on anything challenging, you’ve made that abundantly clear.

Seems you brought out all the sour people lol. My apologies. I swear they smile sometimes :face_with_peeking_eye:


No I don’t like these.


So TL;DR: give M+ more rewards for easier content.

Yeah, no. M+ is already over-rewarding as is for how easy +10s are.

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they probably should hire you. I don’t think they’ve messed things up enough, and I feel like some of your ideas could actually run the game completely into the ground and prevent them from having to worry about pesky things like making money.

So you want Challenge Mode rewards for dying to a storm wall. :roll_eyes:

It’s content for end of season luls to keep people subbed. Don’t like it, don’t play it.

After reading that whining rant… I’m going to assume they don’t want your resume.

If you only have 100 plunder after 5 minutes in the game, the problem is with you, not the game

Do you just like go afk in plunderstorm or just avoid running into plunder?