Ideal WW Monk PVP Rotation?

I know i am suppose to spam Rising Sun Kick and Fist of Fury as much as possible. How should i use Serenity and Strike of The Windlord? What is the best rotation possible?


There are a few YT videos around this. From what I have seen, you want to setup a stun → Serenity → Tiger Palm for Skyreach → SoTW → RSK for big burst, then make sure you use FoF on cooldown, no need to use tiger palm again since you dont use chi during serenity and make sure to use FoF right before the end of serenity. At least that is what I have seen, but I haven’t PvPed on Monk in a long time since it is an alt. But hopefully that gives some help.

I think its more about setting up stuns into full buffed FoF.

get 10 stacks → stun → sotwl → FoF → RSK → Whirling Dragon