Ideal time to bail a non GDKP raid, as a carry?

The people you’re so concerned about don’t post on the forums or reddit.

I swear you people just keep throwing more salt lol. Like it’s funny at this point. “Omg cuz Blizz banned GDKP I’m gonna just leave pug raids”….homie no one cares, it’s happened multiple times to people running pugs. Leaving a raid isn’t anything new.

You all must seriously be trolling lol.

“My bad behavior is now justified by me not having my way.”

Pugs aren’t entitled, but this view certainly is.

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but if theyre not attending them now, in favor of GDKPs then…

So we should have let you continue to carry these people, the swipers, the pure buyers, in your gdkp raids instead of releasing them into the wild?

Your just talkin out your rear…

true, only the weirdest nerds post here

i strongly disagree here, /r/classicwow is hugely pumped full of normies and dad gamers

I don’t think the majority of them are.

About 30% of them are gold sellers/botters trying desperately to protect their income stream.

60% of them are terrified of their ingame gold drying up.

The other 9% are too terrified to socialize beyond placing a bid.

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Are you trolling? Why do you hate GDKPs so much? I dont do GDKPs and dont care that they exist. Banning them is stupid.

Another instance of you being incorrect.

Dude the only people GDKPs benefit are gold buyers (which destroys the economy) and GDKP raid leaders who take a 20% “convenience” cut. Even though you all don’t deserve any of that gold lmao, let’s be real, you all put together some trashy glorified pug raid that’s all.

Nah for the normal classic WoW player GDKPs don’t benefit them at all, they just promote gold buying…it’s very simple.

I guess I have been participating in something that didn’t benefit me at all for the past few years then. What a blunder!

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HAHAHAHAHA says the troll trolling all day every day.

Most people do not care that GDKPs exist. Those that do jumped on the zealot band wagon to hate something that they cannot afford to do and are not skilled enough to carry others. I will keep doing SRS and MS>OS runs.

I do actually care that they exist if they promote scums bags into buying gold online. One less thing in the game they can sink their bought gold into

Ruin the economy? Oh no a new character at 60 has 2000 gold from selling stuff on the auction house and doesnt have to farm gold for a month to get their epic mount like in 2004. THE INSANITY!

I literally just said they aren’t trolling.

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you are locked right in there with them bub, you wont be geting to complete your raid for the week either, enjoy not geting your chance at epic from final boss if you do that, all it takes is first boss to be locked out for your raid lockout to be finished

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No, you just sound like a salty GDKP raid leader who is going to miss his easy “cut” of bought WoW gold.

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You sound like a poor. Need a spare copper to repair?

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Sorry after seeing what GDKPs have done on Classic Era with AH prices this is exactly where SoD was heading. Legit watched people spending 600 gold on potions on streams in Era servers due to GDKPs inflating the crap out of the market with the insane amount of illegal bought gold floating around. Essentially making the game literally IMPOSSIBLE to play unless you ran GDKPs or bought gold. So no I’d rather SoD stayed farrrrrrrr away from that garbage.

Do you have any other incorrect assumptions you want to get off your chest?

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You sound like a salty GDKP player, need a tissue :wink: