Ideal Horde Council set up

Nah cuz controlling Demon Fall Canyon would allow the Horde to control that pass of the gate.

Plus, it makes sense for the tomb of Grom to be under Horde Control.

Everything south of the bridge is Horde territory so that’s not an issue

But this pass is. The “border” between Horde and Alliance territory would be that one night elf pillar in the river.

If Malfurion dies inside the Palace of the Chiefs, can the night elves occupy the Palace and the surrounding areas of the city? And the passage to the Palace.

That’s what I’m saying though, Demon Fall Canyon doesn’t provide access to that river valley. It’s completely blocked off by mountains. The night elves could march an army into Demon Fall Canyon and they’d have nothing to do but twiddle their thumbs because it’s a dead end. There are only two options for approaching that gate: travel south along the river from further north in Ashenvale, or travel north over land from the Barrens. Neither of those have anything to do with Demon Fall Canyon.

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Demon Fall Canyon serves as the “western wall” for the pass, same way that the Valley of Spirits northern cliff serves as the “eastern wall” for the pass.

Again, it makes sense for the Horde to control the area for lore reasons (Grom’s tomb, there is a giant Horde monument there), as well as allowing Horde to control both “natural walls” on their side of the proposed border.

All that grey rock in the image to the left is Demon Fall Canyon.

I actually agree with you about the lore reasons. I have no problem if theoretically the night elves ceded Demon Fall Canyon to the Horde due to the cultural importance it holds to the orcs: the place where Grom conquered the blood-curse, defeated Mannoroth and then died.

Where we disagree is on the idea that Demon Fall Canyon is a vitally strategic location. In lore it’s not just a rock wall, that’s a mountain range. And there are no passes through it. I fail to see how one group holding it or not makes any difference. In my other post I made the point that a night elven army would have nothing to do if they went there, since it’s a dead end. The same holds true for an orc army. If an army of orcs is sitting in Demon Fall Canyon, that does absolutely nothing to aid in Orgrimmar’s defense. In fact it’d be a hindrance, because if Orgrimmar DID come under attack, that army would have no way of getting back quickly. They’d have to pack up and march north into Ashenvale to begin their journey back to aid the city.


not really no, this makes no real sense, i mean, the night elf lost to much because of the horde, at this point, the culture of the horde should not matter anymore for them, so in a world with this background…all of Ashenvale defended by the night elf.

Horde? For the Nightelfs are topic what no longer should matter.

The point is…its an easy area to defend AND an entrance into the north of Ashenvale.

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An army really shouldn’t have gone through Felwood to Darkshore either. But here we are.

My suspicion is they thought the siege towers were more realistic.

Bad writing of Total War should not be continued.

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Alliance players always lie and imply “THERAMORE WAS A MAIN CITY”
it’s flabbergasting.


total war? I don´t speak about total war, but totaly…ignorance, in other words, the night elfs don´t respond to ANYTHING the horde asks…its absolutly nothing of concern for them.

You could say, the horde is dead for them…they died at the same day as teldrassil burned down. I don´t want an open war, but a consequence should apply here.

That’s, by definition, Total War.
If you abandon the reality of two sides having differing political issues to be resolved, you get Total War.
That road would make Teldrassil, as it happened, an in-bounds act.


Somewhere you’ll be reading On War, by Clausewitz. Read it all, not notes or pieces.

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What will the Horde lose in solving the Horde’s problems?

Edit. Maybe the Horde will get the Inquisition? Lack of freedom of speech, heresy and stuff like that?

If all you can do is fixate on making the other side suffer, you will again get Total War.

Making war an absolutist argument only earns a war where one side or the other is entirely destroyed.

Faction Conflict in WoW needs to be evolved to the complex dance of competing political interests.


God forbid they bother to have a balanced narrative lol


I think it’s also a simple coherence and quality problem. They probably really thought everyone was getting a satisfying story, but the care seems to be more about what seems cool to them at the time with little regard to depth or implications.


What is this “balance” you speak of? Is it something we should know?

Americans as a group really have trouble with strategy, tactics there are people for, but strategy…
So, in most fictional conflicts we end up with repeats of iconic imagery from real conflicts.
And basically it is a “but it’s cool” thought process.

I would agree with all the self made messes the US has made in mind, but I don’t know if, as far as entertainment writing is concerned, it’s specific to America. It seems more of a “do you actually bother to do some research on military strategy to make it seem plausible” and a “do you actually make sure your plot points and themes are coherent and properly explored” issue.


I mean the point is very much general but the issue with WoW is very much the ignorance of the writers due to US education (and lack of desire to correct ignorance therein)

Compare Kul Tiras vs Zandalar

Kul Tiras has:

  • Tirisgarde which has a lot of Golden Age of Piracy (but NOT Pirates of the Caribbean) references and a lot of Regency England references, and the government is comparable to the Venetian government
  • Drustvar has a lot of historical Salem references, including some of the staple “tests” witches were given in the US Colonial Period, as well as many references to Salem-based media
  • Stormsong is just copy pasta Lovecraft The Shadows over Innsmouth with some more Regency England and the visual language of the Catholic Pope in Lord Stormsong’s outfit

Zandalar has:

  • Zul’Dazar has Machu Picchu reference, a Wakanda reference, a lot of Emperor’s New Groove references, and Dinotopia references
  • Nazmir is just Heart of the Forest mixed with pseudo Lovecraft
  • Voldun has the “Berber” based Sethrak and Vulpera (devs confirmed this) and a Pirates of the Caribbean reference (undead skeleton pirates due to cursed gold)

The writers are visibly more familiar with and more comfortable with actual Western Euro history and motifs than with NonEuro ones.

The Amerindigenous references stayed on Emperor’s New Groove and the use of Inca and Nahua solar motifs. The African references stayed on the level of “cannibal savages” trope and the accents and a singular Wakanda reference cuz it was popular at the time.

The problem is industry wide to be sure, but specific case is purely due to US brain rot due to the state of public education in this country and popular media therein.

Multinational global teams like Ubisoft have other problem dynamics difference from this


Obviously, we need to make a tunnel and bridge connecting both areas!

Yeah, Theramore was basically just Alliance Grom’gol.

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I mean, yes.

It would be cool if Orcs celebrated the day Grom died as a national holiday.

Having a festival in Demon Fall Canyon.


I read about how Assassin’s Creed Valhalla tends to paint viking raids and colonialism in an oddly idealistic way.