Ideal Horde Council set up

Which is why I advocate that they share Lordaeron. Either by jointly inhabiting the city itself or by the division of its territory along the lines you’ve suggested.

Lordaeron is not alliance land.


Newly Hired Writer: Hey, back when Daelin Proudmoore tried to genocide the Horde back in Warcraft 3 because he thought they were irredeemable morally bankrupt monsters who’d just try to continue killing anyone and everything for no reason but moronic bloodlust, he was correct, right?

Writer Who Joined During Cataclysm: (in all earnestness) Yea, right, of course he was!

Newly Hired Writer: Okay then! (Writes BFA Faction War)


hennyways: current working on inventing a new neutral group for my chart

All Alliance pirates are under House Fairwind (So Flynn Fairwind is both Lord Fairwind of Kul Tiras and the Pirate King of the Alliance) and Baron Revilgaz (so Baron Revilgaz is also the Pirate King of the Horde)

The Court of Neptulon

  1. Pirate King Tethys of the Bloodsail Buccaneers (neutral)
  2. Pirate King Zem’lan of the Goldensands Raiders (Horde, evil)
  3. Pirate Queen Vanessa VanCleef of the Defias Brotherhood (Alliance, evil)
  4. Pirate King Lord Flynn Fairwind of the Irontide Raiders (Alliance, good)
  5. Pirate King Baron Revilgaz of the Blackwater Raiders (Horde, good)
  6. Pirate Queen Annie Bonn of the Northsea Freebooters (Alliance, neutral)
  7. Pirate King Tony Two-Tusk ofthe Southsea Freebooters (Horde, neutral)

One thing I had been hoping for in BFA was a “Pirate Court”, where it’s revealed not only that Zandalar had been controlling the Horde race pirates all along and Kul Tiras had been controlling the Alliance race pirates all along, but also that the pirates themselves had their own court/faction that gained their ability to navigate the seas because they had trapped Neptulon’s daughter

Or maybe Neptulon’s daughter fell in love with Fleet Admiral Tethys or something


Needs Naga representation.

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The kingdom of Lordaeron spearheaded the Alliance forces during the campaign against the Orcish Horde during the war. Unfortunately, the nation would be almost entirely consumed by the undead Scourge during the Third War, which occurred fourteen years later.

The undead Forsaken or simply the Forsaken or Undead are a race) and a faction of intelligent undead who broke away from the Scourge and took control of much of the kingdom of Lordaeron destroyed during the Third War by the death knight Arthas Menethil.

“Those who do not stand with the Forsaken stand against them. And those who stand against the Forsaken will not stand long.”

This is awesome!

:clap::clap::clap: :clap: :clap:

Don’t do trapped, do love.

If you do trapped that’s a sure villain bat when they can’t think of something else.

wouldn’t… naga… on boats… defeat their whole… purpose lol :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


You’re right so I changed it up some: Alliance pirates are under the protection of Nerida (Daughter of Neptulon) and Horde pirates are under the protection of Riah (Daughter of Al’akir) but rather than romantic love the two Elemental Princesses are doing it for fun and as a sort of competition.

Nerida loves adventures and recklessness and drama, and so she’s partial to Flynn, Vanessa, and Annie Bonn, while Riah loves opulence and discovery and shady enterprises and so prefers Revilgaz, Zem’lan, and Tony Two-Tusk


Hey, they’d be pirates, and gold is all that matters. If you can get hired on for a frogman gig while letting a boat ferry you around so you don’t have to do all the swimming yourself, why not?

The underwater engineering capabilities alone without risk of drowning would let you charge people out the nose for your services. :moneybag:


lol sure adding Pirate King Skar’this to the list, the only friendly naga we got

Oh, so now you can’t be a pirate without a boat? Smh…

Of course, a boat is rather integral to the pirate fantasy

Maybe some sort of thing set up on a huge sea monster for hauling loot and supplies, but also for saving energy on long distances?

That’s just straight up racist against torrenters.

Wow would have made that abundantly clear if the Alliance PvP symbol was the Lion of Stormwind. Instead the seal of Lordaeron was used to represent the Alliance in PvP.

https:// imgur. com/x7VEa


The symbol of Lordaeron is used to represent the Alliance in PvP as well.


That’ll work.

And, the Naga, they can ride their trained…Kraken, which they pilot like a sub! Then we can have a Nemo variant with living submarines.

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oh yeah like the two giant shellfish ancients in vash’jir

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