Ideal Class for Zandalari

I don’t know what the ideal race is but I’m going with a Paladin. I’ve been waiting for a troll Paladin for years.


Well during Legion in Aszuna (sp) when you were fighting the sea giants, there were tons of Zandalari captives as well as Kul’Tiran marines so perhaps the Zandalari monks were the ones saved by players and their fighting style unique and wished to learn?

Could be another alternative option as I dont know how I feel about a Loa of Monks as cool as that might potentially be.

Yeah sadly I don’t understand that explanation either :frowning: perhaps because there are no more demons technically? And that’s how they were made warlocks in the first place in a lore standpoint. Not sure… But, I do feel bad for warlocks as neither new allied races get warlocks.

Could be worse. They could be DKs and get no new allied races across the board


Right? Man that’s annoying.

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Yeah, which is probably a part of the King’s group rather than Zul’s as Zul was the one that started everything in Pandaria in the first place. A big reason why I say Loa Monks is because they’re really huge on their Loa religion and don’t ever really believe in anything other than the Loa, so having faith in the Celestials seems a bit odd to me. However, I came to the belief that the Zandalari that were exiled for whatever reason were perhaps the ones that decided to put faith in Celestials instead. Not sure, that’s just my own fanon ideas!

Very valid :frowning:.

I’m not stoked until their release date is announced. Feels like March ish at best? That’s too far away to care atm.

They’re coming in 8.1.5 which is January 22nd, but whether they’re time gated is unsure of.

I thought we just needed to have Zandalari Forever and Rep to Exalted with them to unlock them? Or was I misinformed.

Yeah people kept saying March or April but my guess has been the end of January. It’s when we got the first allied races too!

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Yeah that would actually make sense :slight_smile: hopefully it’s end of January! That wouldn’t really make sense if they pushed it back to March or April when they stated already that 8.1.5 will happen on the 22nd and in it’s notes it says stuff about the allied races I believe? Can’t remember, I’d have to look.

You’ll need Zandalari Empire, War Campaign up until the current quest that does release for 8.1.5 when the Zandalari release and I think Zandalari forever? Not sure on that one, but they did say Zandalari Empire and War campaign.

Troll paladins does not sit well with me. But I guess the light shuns no one.

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I understand the dilemma. I feel Zandalari Trolls are a very good fit for any of the class choices they have (except Monk but I suppose the Pandaren and Zandalari made peace since MoP)

If I had to pick though… well it’s actually really tough, Priest seems like it’d be the most sensible choice as the Zandalari are highly religious, more so then any other Troll tribe. Shaman would also be good as it’s a different method of worship to the Loa. Druid too as Gonk aided all Trollkind in unlocking the secrets of druidism,

All Trolls also have a rich history as Hunters, especially the Zandalari with their massive dinosaurs. Warriors and Paladins are good too, the Warrior being rank and file while the Paladin is the extreme zealot.

It’s a pity they don’t have access to Warlocks as there are cases of demonic magic being used by the Zandalari, indeed all trollkind.

Honestly? I was initially going to go Priest on mine till the announcement that they could be Paladins, so I’ll be going that route.


This seems like a negative. :muscle:

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I feel like I also want to stay away from the whole bandwagon trope of everyone jumping onto the Paladin and Druid train…so may end up switching my decision to warrior or hunter as both seem like fun options.

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Anything but paladin. How anyone thinks a tribal looking society fits with the paladin motif is beyond me.


No, belfs will always be the majority.

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Maybe because they are extremely religious and Paladins don’t always have to be a Knight in shining armor? Sometimes they can be bloodthirsty zealots (Scarlet Crusade)