Idea to make primordial wave feel better To use


I had an idea, and i thought it might be worth discussing here.

Currently the way primordial wave works, you apply your flame shock or riptide to a target, when you cast your spender (lightning bolt, lava burst, healing wave) it then applies to all of the targets affected.

Since there is a designated spender for each of those… why not just make primordial wave BE the spender.

So essentially primordial wave would behave however the appropriate spell behaves. For enh it would be instant cast if you have MSW. basically it’d be like an option to use that spell on all your dot or hot affected targets.

So for example, say i am enhancement spec, i have 10 stacks of MSW saved up.

But I use Primordial wave and it is basically another spender, maybe it even just… channels the chosen ability (lighting bolt, lava burst, healing wave)

That would make the way this ability functions feel a lot less clunky imho, very sorry to whomever made the new animation for it… but it’d be better off this way I think….

My major beef with it is just how many global you have to use just to set the thing up. And how many of those global are spent applying abilities that just don’t feel good to use …


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Way too many globals, in pve it’s whatever but in PVP you have to cc, juke and position.

Id say remove fire Ele, simply make flame shock last half as long as when fire Ele is out, and tick as fast as when ele is out.

Remove prim wave and just make every 30 seconds lava burst does the same thing that prime wave does.

Remove storm keeper and just make lightning bolt hit consistently hard, take storm keeper damage and divide it into lightning bolt.

Additionally, make Element blast (preferably off GCD) their burst CDs which is instant and give all three buffs, 8% crit, 15% mastery/haste.

Ascendance off GCD

Lastly remove that frost shock lava burst buff and put lava burst at its correct tuning

Now we have two burst CDs and can line up the prime wave with our elemental blast and ascendance.