(Idea) Shadow Priest - Flavor, QoL, and DPS Balance

I’ve seen several threads about how people are missing the Void Orbs and several talking about issues with Balance and clunkiness of DoT management via Shadow Crash. So here we go…

Shadow Crash - Rework

Shadow Crash - Is Now a Base Shadow Ability (30-Second CD)

  • Talent Change: Whispering Shadows : Moved and Combined to the Talent Node that previously granted Shadow Crash. Along with a small buff to enemies affected.
    Whispering Shadows
    – Toggle to cast Shadow Crash at current Target or Area Target
    – Shadow Crash applies Vampiric Touch on up to 10 targets it damages
  • New Talent: Void Crash : Call back to the classic Shadow Orbs of Shadow Priest’s past to add flare and QoL to the Priest’s arsenal. Talent node replaces the Whispering Shadows location.
    Void Crash
    – Replaces the Shadow Crash Ability
    – Void Crash now has 3-Charges
    – Each Charge is represented by an Orb that floats around the Shadow Priest
    – Casting Shadow Crash will expend one of the Void Orbs
    – Each Void Orb take 30-seconds to recharge
    – Casting Void Eruption or Dark Ascension replenishes 1 expended Void Orb
  • Talent Change: Screams of the Void - Added Flare and QoL to Void Orbs
    Screams of the Void
    – No Change to Original Ability
    – Added: Casting Devouring Plague reduces the current cooldown of Shadow Crash or a Void Orb by 3-seconds.

Let me know what you think! – If you like it, please like the post and leave a comment explaining why you feel this would be a good change.

We need to let Blizzard know that this is a necessary change. More engagement will have a higher chance of bringing it to their attention.


Not good enough.


Thanks for your valuable comment!


Feels like it would make dot management/application completely void (badum ts)

Shadow crash already kind of replaces VTouch in ST at least, which completely replaces SW:P with misery.

This would reinforce that even further.

Don’t get me wrong it sounds “fun”, but shadow is such a badly designed spec. It needs god…or rather a void lord to save it

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I read this and stopped reading.

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IMO, at this point…

  1. Shadow Orbs can be tied to a Cloak appearance or a combination of a Helm, Shoulder, Cloak, Legs appearance where each piece as an orb or 2.
  2. Essentially give Shadow Crash 3 charges but a 30sec CD. I prefer the idea of 2 charges at the current 20sec.
  3. I like the idea of DP, MB, VB reduces the CD of Shadow Crash. This would allow 2 Shadow Crashes on a large mob pull, cast CDs, pump, and get Shadow Crash back in order to DOT up additional mobs, spawns, or refresh.

And I would perfer no Shadow Crash at all, I’d like the complete removal of it.

Vampiric Touch getting the effect of Whispering Shadow in combination with Unfurling Darkness does the same thing as having 2 charges.


The argument isn’t for Single Target - It’s to reliably and quickly get your DoTs rolling on groups of Mobs.

I agree, our AoE shouldn’t be tied to our DoTs in anyway, having to DoT enemies to deal splash off ST spells feels absolutely terrible. Especially, since Shammies can literally slam their head on a keyboard mapped exclusively to Chain Lightning and pull the same numbers as a SP who has to participate in Keyboard Dance-Dance Revolution to pull the same numbers.

I’m just looking to improve the pack to pack DoT application to make damage more consistent and less rocky in dungeons. While giving a little bit of flair back to the look and feel of the class.