Idea For "Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros" legendary

So obviously the iconic hammer was BIS for ret paladins back in the day (at least until maybe Naxx) but with SOD and ret paladins relying on fast weapons for their exorcism/art of war build, Sulfuras wouldn’t really fit that playstyle

However, outright changing the hammer entirely would upset paladins or arms warriors wanting to use the slow 3.80 weapon in pvp.

So instead, there should be a Dwarf hidden somewhere in Molten Core that you have to clear the raid at least halfway to get to, that will give you a dialogue option if you have the hammer equipped, that let’s you switch the hammer for another, faster version. 2.00 speed with the same dps, but this time with an on-use effect that increases your attack speed by 50% for 30 seconds, but also burns you for 5% of your max health every 3 seconds.

This eliminates the need to switch weapons mid-combat to equip ACP, or start off the fight with it, lets paladins have their fast weapon, and other classes their slow mace for their own reasons

Same dwarf could turn thunderfury into an axe so that shaman tanks can use it.


Great idea! Would make Shaman tanks not feel left out either.

ret paladins? I always saw as a enh shaman weapon

feral weapon

Can druids form the weapon? Thought it was warrior/pally/shaman only

Only if they add spellpower to thunderfury and allow spells to proc the effect.

Or they could do nothing. Melee certainly don’t need anything extra at this stage at all.

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can we stop trying to turn every weapon into MCP

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Hand of rag is boomy prio paladins heal in mc

No, because that weapon is what made feral druids (for all of classic/vanilla) and ret paladins in Season 2 of SoD actually good and competing with other classes on the charts.

And here we are in a new iteration of the content hoping to have something less stale and overused. Thanks for making his/her point for them.

druid weapon is the only correct answer. needs to have 100 agi and 600 feral attack power. the proc needs to be changed to 1m on use with no cooldown to properly fit the fire playstyle. Make is apply fire vulnerability in addition to damage that way feral are even more desired. Fire druids are lore correct as we see in cata firelands so this all makes sense and is not op in any way.

Boomkin weapon