I was playing some classic hardcore the other day, and had an idea, why not take that difficulty curve and apply it to the current expansion… make a “Mythic” or “Hardcore” realm where it’s tuned to mythic difficulty (i.e. 5mans are only m0, raids are only mythic) on everything? Leave all the modern connivences just bring back the somewhat brutal difficulty??
Because who wants to gear up to take on mythic level content with the risk of losing that character permanently?
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Retail is too difficult for hardcore tbh lol. It only works when you have 5 second casts and bosses have 2 abilities.
When the healer dies, the rest of the group scrambles to get out of the dungeon before they lose their characters.
I’d pay to watch that
Dynasty Warrior mode, you have overpowered aoe strikes against waves of hundreds of enemies like paper.