IDEA: Dedicated Guild Shards

The silence bubble surrounding sharding after endless complaints here lately, noted by the absence of a pinned blue post on the topic, has led me to think about ways to minimize the devastation that looms. For instance, we could mitigate some of the problem with new players finding each other if Classic WoW devs implemented a guild shard system, such that guild members would be automatically and solely placed in a shard dedicated to their guild if they so choose. For large guilds, multiple dedicated shards could be auto-generated, when appropriate.

Don’t just say nay. Consider that players within a guild already are expected to have a preference for playing with guild mates. However, a checkbox would be an opt-in feature to do so. This will allow guild members to float outside dedicated guild shards to recruit, play solo, whatever. Moreover, players who are guildless will be grouped in the same shard, removing the worry of being trapped in a shard dominated by guilded players who turn out to be uncooperative (or worse) with guildless players.

Why should this be done other than the factors stated above? It will give players the feeling like they can do something to ease the problems that arise from sharding. We do not implement the game client, but, if given power to do so, we can participate in improvements to the design.

Blizzard, help us help you do it better. I think it is really that simple. We are part of the solution, whether you respect our input or not. Giving us options like what was requested here will empower us to assist.

So, we need to cover the big challenge when implementing this feature - doing so on day one when no guilds have been created. This is your opportunity to begin real community development. Reach out to people who will host guilds. Create a prerelease guild list that will allow guild leaders to create a guild petition with member signatures. Obviously a guild leader ought to approve members prior to their inclusion, so guild plebs will enter their name into a waiting list rather than the official petition. Notice that this gives your game tools programmer a chance to add creatively to this project. Sure this was not in pre-2.0, but neither was the savageness of sharding.

Please, include in your post any other idea that would be a easily implemented. Only ideas for improving the sharded experience. Thank you.


Who would get a shard? Every guild? What about my one person guild? Do I get my own shard?

So now it may be number based. This seems to be playing favorites. Blizzard hasn’t shown any indication that they play favorites with anyone.

A guild getting their own shard due to number of players they have is a bit… much. What about the smaller guild of friends? They’d be stuck on a random shard and the large guild gets their own?

Doesn’t seem fair.


Oh wow… I really don’t even know where to start on this one…


I was excited to have a good laugh about a guild bank of warlock shards saved up that they can share; which would be hilarious and awesome. I was severely disappointed to see what OP wrote, but it is also comical. This is a terrible idea for community aspect (if you aren’t trolling). I wish this was about warlock shard sharing…


Also a good idea. :sunglasses:

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I’ll make 5 guilds on my friends alts, then I can leave and join them to get 5 different shards so i can mine and herb 1 zone 5 times in a row.

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If I’m playing the game with only a select group of friends, then it practically isn’t even an mmorpg at that point. I want to experience an open world with strangers, battle enemies, make friends, recognize familiar faces, and feel a sense of community. You know, the things that made Vanilla… Vanilla.

For a single player or otherwise limited experience, there is the option of BfA or maybe even Diablo.

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A vote against is a vote for doing nothing. You are a BfA lover then?

Nope. Just don’t like being told what to do :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m against sharding beyond starting zones of launch. Hell, give me no shards if there’s a goo infrastructure. Reailistically though, sharded starting zones of launch.

Awe, you did not read the original post. It did not advocate for shard solo play. It suggested adding a feature to sharding that would allow certain guilds to help ease the adverse effects of sharding by, essentially, joining a guild server, joining and exiting as they wish.

“For a single player or otherwise limited experience”

Please read an entire sentence, thank you. And as I stated, I wouldn’t want to play on a server by myself or only with select friends. It wouldn’t be an mmorpg.

100% agree that sharding messes with the feeling of an MMORPG along with a slew of other important matters. I already stated in another thread that I would not play Classic WoW if sharding existed; however, they could convince me that it would still be worth trying if they made some changes to how sharding works, so that community building could work as it should.

I enjoy his quality of trolling more then others, so you may have an Upvote for the OP.


No changes.


I could see it now in Guild chat everyone log off so we get a fresh shard to farm

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Yeah, I think he’s my favorite now.

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In games with ‘numbered shards’ you can choose which shard you are on. So if there were ten shards, I could see players making a conscious choice to play on certain ones. But I wouldn’t want that for this game. I suspect that after the initial population bubble pops that there won’t be a need for it either.

This is the worst idea I’ve seen in a while. Rival guild about to steamroll you in the world?

“Get us out of here, Commander Shardo! All ahead, maximum shard!”

“We seem to have lost them, Guildmaster.”

“Excellent, Commander Shardo. Now, back to our unrestricted farming of technically instanced Devilsaurs.”


In the future, type the first word of the topic twice, so that if you get the forum bug where it gets cut off, the post still makes sense.

In this case, for example, you could have typed “BAD BAD IDEA: Dedicated Guild Shards” If the first word got cut off, it still would have made sense, if not, you would have just sounded emphatic.