I’ve grown real fond of my Death’s Due appearance from Ardenweald. Wondering if we could perhaps get a glyph in Dragonflight that will let us keep that appearance for it if we were level 80 in Night Fae covenant? It would be appearance only without the covenant bonuses.
There should definitely be plenty of glyphs for all sorts of abilities, more customisation is always welcome imo.
bring back glyph of the wraith walker!!
That would be awesome. I to have grown fond of my blue swirly lines.
Yes, death due has a beautiful appearance, I would like to see it in Dragonflight since I’m main DK.
Absolutely. I loved having a blue version of D&D for my Frost DK.
I can’t bring myself to level my beloved Ardenweald DK in dragonflight. I switched to warrior. I loved the animation of Death’s Due too much to take it off my hotbar.
Death and Decay is a bit hard to see when the fights get a bit chaotic. There’s room for lots of customization for many abilities with glyphs. No idea why the devs just don’t show much interest on it, they already saw how customization options are atractive to players and potential players
Hard agree. I loved my blue fae circles and am sad they are gone. They even fit the color scheme of frost better.
Also glyphs to make it look not just blood. Like why isn’t there an unholy glyph that makes it green and has clawing hands coming out from it? And why not a teal frost touched version with mini ice spikes?
More glyphs in general please!
for frost i agree little ice spikes pop out of the ground
I’d love to see more cosmetic glyphs in general, especially for DK. More minion glyphs, more modern spell glyphs, Death and Decay included. Even giving us an option to color the Abomination’s Limb based on the spec would be great.