I'd like to see Fel Rush get a bit of polish

After trying Zekvir for a bit it made me realize how bad Fel Rush feels to use defensively. Often times it doesn’t go off, and many times you could be clearly outside of an AOE on your screen but die on the server. There’s a few things I’d like to discuss that I believe contribute to this:

  1. I’d like to see Fel Rush always off the GCD. I don’t view FR as a defensive or offensive ability so much as I view it as a core part of the class’s movement that can be used offensively or defensively. Trying to FR after an attack and it not going off simply feels jarring. It’s fun to manage FR’s cooldowns, it’s not fun to only be able to use it within your rotation and not as a freely castable movement ability. I think this is why FR and Retreat feel so good out of combat, you don’t have to worry about GCD when only casting these two spells. In combat it feels off and slow, antithetical to how the class should feel: fast and fluid.

  2. Something is up with the hitboxes and/or the networking. I don’t know if FR causes your hitbox to get bigger or if this is just a networking issue, but I think this ability needs a little more attention. May need better client-side prediction or hitbox changes, I don’t know I’m not a blizzard engineer but I’d like someone to look at this.

IMO Demon Hunter is the gold standard for what fast action-oriented combat can look like in WoW and Fel Rush is such an integral part of that. Tying it to WoW’s strict ability rules makes it feel less like a fast unique spec. The character controller for DH should feel different, it should feel fast and fluid. I think it’s close but still just feels like every other WoW spec but with a few wonky movement abilities.


I agree we need a nice update

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While we’re at it can we buff essence break to have an 6-8sec duration, blurr to be 30% dr baseline, and rework glimpse because I use it badly :sunglasses: