I'd like to find some friends, or a guild

Quilen & Cloud Teahouse is a weekly event - every Sunday from 4 PM. Non-aligned & friendly to all. Unlike tavern RP - which can get a bit boisterous - the teahouse is a place for quiet conversation. Welcome to all who are friendly, regardless of species, allegiance, or class, and very supportive of people new to RP. Even if all you want is to sit at a table in the corner to quietly watch what goes on, we’ll leave you alone, except to make sure you’ve got food & beverages.

You’ll want elixir of tongues for any cross-faction RP. Let’s you understand what people are saying, And installing the Total Roleplay addon is pretty much standard now. You don’t have to worry about creating a profile until you’re ready, but it’ll let you read other people’s, to see the wide variety of how people portray their characters.