Id like the option to chose kniafu

Everyone else fails in comparison. praise knaifu. praise xal.


I hold her in my hands a whole expansion when she was a little dagger, I want to be at her side


I hate her. She is messing with the OG High Elf waifu, Alleria, and so she must die.


i am equally as proud of her growing up and become the harbinger we all knew she would be.


I’m kinda wondering what form Xalatath had originally. She looks like an elf now, but we killed the original occupant and she took it over lol


I don’t know who her VA is, but I would listen to them read the phone book


apparently theres a mural of a old god creature who people think might be xally.

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backs away slowly

This is going to be a long expansion.

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Claudia Christian

Also known as Susan Ivanova from Babylon 5. :dracthyr_heart:


Honestly I’d like the option to have void-relevance as a Blood Elf, despite not being a Void-Elf … :sob: Especially for us belf spriests.

I feel like the Void Elf starting scenario rather butchered all potential for any strong void-themed Blood elf characters, given:

  • Rommath declared: “Any who treat with the void are to be exiled”
    (Big FU to Belf Shadowpriests)
  • Anything that is elvish + void in nature for the story is just straight up shoehorned into the Void-Elves …

I mean it’d be nice if at the very least they could give Blood Elves the ‘Nethermancers’ back – even so much as solidifying the lore as such for the power of Blood Elf Shadowpriests. :face_exhaling:

:unamused: I feel like the Alliance only get all the cool $#!% the pass few expansions…

As for Knaifu :sparkles: :dagger: :sparkles: –

It’d be nice for us priests to get some further recognition from her, all the way through :muscle:

As for the thread :thinking: … Perhaps we could have a questline where we have to choose to side with Knaifu to survive a mutually threatening scenario or “find another means”.

I hope they gonna do a rework on Vareesa too. Last sister with an okd model I feel bad for her

Xal’atath is a betrayer by nature so good luck with that.

I can fix her


It would be hilarious if she starts seeing the shadow priest as a stalker. I mean people usually only meet her once before they’re dead and gone and this will be the shadow priest’s third time.

I can just imagine the shadow priests waving “hay it’s me again!”

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We’re the X they just can’t seem to shake. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

… Given we might be the ones to kill her as a villain someday — with the above in mind, it kinda seems rather morbid :joy:

Void Lord Narrator, with a saddened voice:

:pensive: “The X stalked her, until eventually … They killed her.”

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For all we know, she’s just a basic void creature like the ones we’ve killed so many of and she just happened to inhabit the knife.


knaifu gets all the love when we had a staff voiced by matt mercer in legion



You kicked us out.

You get nothing.

It’s our time and soon Silvermoon will be ours too.

Knives always hold a special place in my heart. Ever since Undertale.

Side note, I’ve suddenly developed the inspiration to compare the personality traits between Chara and Xal’atath.

(For real though, she’s such a precious character I couldn’t bring myself to fight her if it ever came to that)

…i dont care?