I'd like Druids to be trash next expansion

That you can comprehend. That’s a you issue not a fact issue.

The “issue” at hand is a made up one because you’re using a participation list to validate viability for a class. It’s why you ignored the hunter versus priest statement.

I’ll give it to you again

If 8 players play BM hunter and 2 play shadow priest that doesn’t mean that shadow priest is bad.

You’re clearly not as smart as you think you are.

Okay then let me ask you this. How do rank 1 players become Rank 1?

The answer is time and effort. They put in the work. As is with anything.

Practice makes perfect. You don’t log in and just become the best of the best.

You get good at what you want. It’s as simple as that. But again, people are worried about community perception.

All specs are rated above 2500. Which means all specs are viable to do well. Play what you want and make a comp that works with/for you. That’s what those Fury Warriors did

I can’t count but Holy priest it’s at the bottom since … can’t remember.
Can’t move fast
No dmg
No survival ability
I don’t want to start with battle res

As Battle already said, those fury warriors are Alts meming with top tier partners or people logged out as fury for PvE. No one seriously pushing rating is playing fury over arms.

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If you want a class to get nerfed just ask me to play it as my main.

That’s why holy is meta right now in pve right?

I smell :billed_cap: LMAO

i’d be okay if the only change druid gets is shapeshifting no longer clearing slows and roots. its one thing to be a slippery fish if you are a glass cannon, but if you manage to corner a druid, they turn into a self healing tank.

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Wait what. Hpriest is not meta. Did you mistake that for hpal?

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Druids have always been OP.
Druids have always cried for buffs.

The balance of nature.

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Asking for four specs to all be trash in all types of content is a tall order. Odds are that at least one of them is good at some point in time in some type of content.

Weren’t they garbage in 9.0? I thought it was all about Hpal, Rsham, and Disc. I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure…

They were. That’s why we got buffed. And it’s still all about hpal and rsham lmao


The trinity for raiding is h priest h pal and r sham

Thata the thing. “A” Druid was OP at some point at all times. Just like there’s always a Mage, Rogue, and Warrior at the top somewhere.

Doesn’t mean all mages are OP, doesn’t mean all Warriors need a nerf, etc etc.

I’m starting to lean on the OP got hit by a convoke or two

Uhhh its 1 disc, 1 hpal, and 2 rshams iirc. Don’t think it was ever hpriest.

World first sylvanas used 2 hpals and 2 discs :joy:

It’s been h priest since boon got gutted from my understanding .

I have always felt the same way about druids. I do think feral is a different case though. I would like to see feral at the top and the community perception of feral to disappear.

You have no idea what your talking about lmao

Well there is Feral spec so…


Feral was great in 9.0 as far as raiding was concerned.

Did/does good in PvP.

And they do well in M+ It’s just that stigma that keeps them from invites. And that’s okay with me. I don’t need them to become the next Boomkin where everyone re-rolls for fotm and does poorly and starts to give them a bad name.

Plus it’s kinda nice being the underdog that outshines everyone else :wink:

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