I'd buy the new cat mount if

it attacked and ate mouse mounts. And the gnomes that ride them.

Otherwise, no sale.

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Don’t like the two other threads on this? Such strong feelings deserve the cat mount for free! :wink:

Okay, now three… you’re absolved! Lol!!

What is it with this mount!??

It’s a … “cute” cat… not even my favorite color. What kinda a toon would ride it? Eating goblins would be better though!

Just saw it in game and not a fan.

The saddle is gorgeous but a giant flying kitten looks out of place (and that is saying something in this game) and the purplish red of the cat with the yellowish glowing of the feet and the blue glowing outline do not mesh at all.

On the up side, folks tend to get store mounts, show them off for a few weeks the way a child does with a new toy and then they are never seen again.

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That’s because it’s not covered in the blood of a dead mouse mount in its mouth.

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I was chasing people riding sarge or pouncing on them. Nobody wanted to play

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I’d pay $100 for a mount that did that. And I bet I wouldn’t be alone.

Are you listening, devs?

Are they about eating the mouse mount? That’s the important issue.

No! You have a very valid point!! Though they do seem to be eating each other


walks by whistling innocently

:rofl: purrfect!! You’d look good on it!

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