Icy Veins or Wow Head

I don’t like being paranoid in a raid making sure I’m pulling my weight and constantly looking at the recount meter. So if the stats can help with that I like to check it, and the traits too.

With heals I don’t worry as much and I use battlegrounds for practice. Although I did get removed from a ToS raid for “overhealing” once.

I’m guessing you were pugging into a guild group? Sounds like some idiot read a forum post about “overhealin’ badd” and got a little over-excited.

Overhealing alone is a bad habit that needs to be broken, not an outright reason to kick someone.

It was a pug lol. I watch the healing but I like to keep people above 50% but as long as I’m watching my mana I’m usually ok.

I feel that Icy Veins are always picturing an ideal situation when everyone is doing their part, all coordination perfected, without taking personal play style and team composition into consideration. For example, some prefer less buttons and CDs and might perform better if they choose a simpler talent spec, compare to follow Icy’s suggestion and went with as many CD as possible.

And as Grom pointed out they also focus on higher gear level i.e. endgame. Do look at both for ideas though.

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A druid is naturally going to overheal a lot in any fight where the raid composition isn’t at the absolute bleeding edge of what healing it needs. That’s just par for a heal-over-time class. You see that point a lot more in Mythic (and your parses jump up considerably) because DPS checks are stringent enough to punish you for overstacking heals, so people are sitting at “safe but not full” more often and your heals can actually tick out.

A good druid parse in Heroic or below usually means the raid is taking a ton of damage they shouldn’t. It’s even worse in some fights like Stormwall where the healing demand is very high in one phase but drops off precipitously in the other.


Yeah I’ve seen that. We do tend to over heal. I could have a tank at 50% and I can get him back up quickly but the spells are still ticking even if he’s full. Or you and another healer target the same person but their’s heal is a quick large heal and yours is a hot, the hot will go over. It happens. In those situation i think that mana management is what’s really important.

Yeah I’ve found the fights where I gray parse heals, I’m also orange parsing DPS and have the mana to go ham when we need it.

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The guy that booted you because of over healing is wrong and should feel bad about himself. As has been stated, HoTs = overhealing.

Healer Stat Weights has already been mentioned, but I’ll say it again. Get that for healer weights. Make 2 custom weights in Pawn, one for raids, one for M+. You will find the more of one thing something has, the less weight it has. Also, ilevel 400 seems to be a break point where sec stats pull ahead of raw Int in weight.

Also bear in mind as a NE, you gain/lose crit haste depending on if it is day or night.


I’ll look into that one next.

It was stupid though. I figured as long as no once died and 8 had more than enough mana to continue fighting I was ok.

I recalled me playing Holy paladin during Classic/BC/LK, raiders called me and others cheating since we spam without mana going down, which of course affects the final number and who gets what gears.

Some… arrangement had to be made by raid leaders to ensure there’s a balance of class instead of by performance. It was silly.

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i demand to have my instant gratification satiated with the least amount of effort involved. i also demand to have cellular service available literally everywhere on the planet. imagine having a call dropped in an elevator in 2019 what the hell man