Icons and UI

Seeing as how some parts of the UI are getting complete overhauls, it’s about time the macro interface gets one, too! I’m talking a search bar for icons, an LUA editor, categories, a local storage section for extended macros instead of relying on an addon, ect.

Hell, just roll all that together and make an addon creation UI in game, where the TOC is auto-generated with the current build, and basic tasks for building an addon are selections in a menu (like here’s a window you can put things in).

I think I’ve gone off the rails here, but you get the idea. At least a better UI for macros.

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Yeah, I just use an addon now, which does all of that, but would prefer to ditch it for a baked in version.


I found that even the addon doesn’t really check the basic boxes. Yeah, there’s a search feature, but it’s nowhere near as robust of a search as Weakauras has. Weakauras will allow general terms (green, chest, vial) whether those terms are even in the name of the icon or not. That’s what’s really needed.

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While we’re at it, can we increase the max size of macros to be greater than 255 characters? I main a druid and have macros with a lot of conditionals that take into account what spec I’m in, what form I’m in, what modifiers I press, what talents I have, plus a bunch of conditionals for targeting the spell. I currently use an addon to go beyond the 255 character cap, so I know it is possible. I just want it to be built into the game so I don’t have to wait for addon owners to update things to work every expansion/patch.

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What’s odd is the only limiting factor for macros are the arbitrary limitations Blizzard added, namely the character length and UI limits. All macros are stored on the client in a text file. That’s how the addon can get away with increased size and number of macros.

This is the path to general macros on your computer, assuming Windows:

\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\(ACCOUNT NAME)\macros-cache.txt

And here’s how the per-character path looks:

\World of Warcraft\_retail_\WTF\Account\(ACCOUNT NAME)\(Realm name)\(Character name)\macros-cache.txt

Obviously, the (parenthesis) items would be your actual information. Essentially, the only limitation would be space on the drive you have WoW installed.

I would also like to point out, the CC forums had a suggestion for the same thing with some extra functionality. I think the coding colors would be another great addition:

Really, this is the perfect time for a complete macro UI overhaul.