I’m confused. If Icefury is going to be given talents to mandate it for fire and lightning, why didn’t they just put it at the top talent in place of Earth Shock/Eleblast? Fusion of Elements affects the next nature AND fire, and shoots off 2 blasts, while Flux Melting boosts lava damage, and Equilibrium is under that as well.
Just put Icefury as the first node and all its talents straight down the middle and be done with it. They fully overhauled the entire tree and still somehow did this wrong.
And for pity’s sake just let Overload affect Icefury finally if we have to spec into it anyway.
I think it’s fine where it just but what I wanna know … if icefury procs and replaces frost shock. You get two empowered frost shocks.
If icefury procs again in that timespan do you get an empowered icefury?
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I don’t see ice fury as a requirement anymore. It’s nice to be instant and how it’s weaved into LvB casts.
I very happy it’s not in direct path to the other talents I want. It’s nice and cozy off to the side out of the way but still easily accessible.
I’m just guessing here but I’d bet Ice Fury would just override any empowered frost shocks you have.
i mean until we really get numbers out for this and testing, im pretty sure casting free Elemental Blasts at targets for stat boosts for more lava damage and Frost Shocks doing it also will be “top tier”. It usually is unfortunately
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Time will tell. I’m going to try without it for now I just hate being locked in to it when I’ll already be casting a ton of LBs (not LvB). I play the volcanic surge pvp talent.
Ive tried making a fire build and take it but the central branch locks a lot of things out.
I think it should be in the middle of the tree with all the elemental weaving talents that bridge fire and lightning builds.
Put all the talents that affect only 1 build on the fringes, the stuff that affects both in the center. Its obvious design to me not sure why it isnt directly implemented that way.
I would go further and put the summon elemental talents in the center around icefury since they affect both builds, maybe drop primordial wave sections into the middle part for the fire build to get online sooner, or even ascendance since ascendance is almost solely fire build.